I experienced first-hand the degeneration of the poldermodel in full force.

We must have the courage to restrict legal immigration instead of expanding it, even if we sometimes have to build a wall.

The message, 'stop Islam, defend freedom,' is a message that's not only important for the Netherlands but for the whole free Western world.

I'm very thankful to live in a country where the government provides my protection - many police and armored cars and safe houses and things like that.

Europe is my home, Europe is my continent. Europe is where we live. The European Union is a political bureaucratic organization that took away our identity and our national sovereignty. So, I would get rid of the European Union and be a nation-state again.

Mr. Trump is Mr. Trump. I'm Mr. Wilders. I'm not anybody's copy or whatsoever.

I'm very strong willed and I'm very impatient as well.

It is a travesty that I have to stand trial because I spoke about fewer Moroccans.

It is my right and my duty as a politician to speak about the problems in our country.

I don't hate people.

My intention is to show the real face of Islam. I see it as a threat.

There is no equality between our culture and the retarded Islamic culture. Look at their views on homosexuality or women.

I don't create hate.

I don't want to get rid of the typical Dutch tolerance.

I don't want a wall being built around the Netherlands.

The U.S. is so important to me, Europe is important.

I never worked for any secret service, certainly not the Israeli secret service.

I have something against Islam.

I am responsible for my own actions and for nobody else's actions.

The European Union is robbing us of our national identities, our nation states.

I believe a real democracy can only flourish when you have your own nation state, your own identity, even your own flag you can rally around.

Europe started very well in the 1950s with a trading bloc but it became a political project, and we transferred sovereignty to them. If you don't know what you are - and this is the intention of the E.U. elites - you don't know what you're not either. We should regain our sovereignty again.

Europe should be a continent of nation states who are free trading, with our own identities, not a bunch of Eurocrats nobody voted for.

We are definitely not racists; we don't care about people's skin color.