Before I became prime minister, as mayor of Jerusalem, I became world-renowned because of my fight for the unity of Jerusalem.

The Goldstone Committee was formed in April of 2009, after I was not prime minister. So it was a new political situation.

I was not interested in being minister of defense or minister of foreign affairs.

When it was not very comfortable, politically, for me, I said things which lots of people didn't like, some of them may have liked. I said my beliefs, my truth, and my convictions, and that's how I am going to continue to do in the future.

Israel is prepared for a compromise. The majority of Israelis understand this compromise will be serious, will be meaningful, and will be painful.

I trust the integrity of the British government and the British soldiers.

I'm not in the most comfortable position, but I think my government is very stable, perhaps more stable than any government in modern Israeli history.

I can tell you that if I'd had an opportunity to meet with King Abdullah of the Saudis - which I have not - he would be very surprised to hear what I have to say.

I'm not saying it was wrong to intervene in Kosovo.

Abu Mazen has got to do only one thing: to fight terror. That's what he needs to do.

The situation of any leader in the Middle East is not easy.

Arafat is the greatest instigator of terror.

We are the greatest experts in the world in criticizing our country, but no one loves his country more than the Israelis. No one.

I've been mayor of the city of Jerusalem, which is perhaps, in some ways, more complex and more difficult than a ministerial position.

There is always a human being behind the titles and the status.

There is no need to get caught up in any apocalyptic prophecies that have no basis in reality.

Israel has the power to protect itself and its citizens.

What do you prefer? A prime minister obsessed with being popular, or a prime minister who does the job?

I don't expect to be coddled, but I'm also a human being.

I don't understand this pathetic need for luxuries.

The fundamental interest - long-range strategic interest - of the state of Israel is that we will have the international bodies and primarily the United Nations recognize the two-state solution, so that there will never be any doubt as to the right of Israel to have its own Jewish independent state.

For me, Arik Sharon - I remember his courage and inspiration. I want to remember him the way he really was, not as an aging 80-year-old man living in bed helpless and unconscious.

The days that Israel was separated from Europe are gone.

I want to separate from the Palestinians. I want them to have their independent, separate state on a contiguous territory, and I want Israel to exist, of course, as a Jewish state in its own territory, as an independent state in its own territory. The Palestinian state, the Israeli state, separate. This is my dream.