It's a problem sometimes when you speak to journalists. They quote you, and then they read what they wrote, and then they even explain it. It's dangerous.

When armed people from Hamas and armed people from Fatah are standing opposite each other, there is more likely to be a confrontation amongst them.

There is no doubt that there is a very strange phenomenon called the 'State Comptroller.'

Saudi Arabia is the country that in the end will determine the ability of the Arabs to reach a compromise with Israel.

A bloc of states is emerging that understands that they may have been wrong to think that Israel is the world's greatest problem.

Politicians are strong to the extent that they are ready to take serious decisions and fight for it.

Merkel is an amazing woman, very experienced in international politics.

I know the war in Iraq is controversial in the States, but for us in the Middle East it has made a great and significant impact.

Iran is a major threat to the well-being of Europe and America just as much as it is for the state of Israel.

I know I'm unpopular.

When you fight for the impossible, sometimes you lose everything.

I'm not in power, but my ideas are in power. And my ideas will prevail.

I was not born to be prime minister, and I'm not going to stay here until the end of my life. I'm too young for that.

I have to think about the possible ramifications of an early retirement.

Israel will not tolerate a situation in which Iran has effective control of non-conventional weapons that can be used directly against the state of Israel.

Iran is an anti-Semitic, terrorist government.

Peace is important for Israel.

Look, miracles in the Middle East are a reality.

Israel always has to be in a position to defend itself against any adversary and against any threat of any kind.

I never thought that Syria and Israel should engage in a violent confrontation because I don't think that there is any particular interest for any of us to do it.

Who thinks seriously that if we sit on another hilltop, on another hundred meters, that this is what will make the difference for the state of Israel's basic security?

My doctors say I am very healthy.

I am focused on what needs to be done for the people of Israel. Period. I do not pity myself and I do not pat myself on the shoulder. I get up in the morning full of energy to fulfill my mission.

I think the attempt to draw a comparison between Iran and Syria is false, misleading and dangerous.