I cannot penetrate the soul of Arafat. I cannot know in advance whether, behind all the masks, he's the kind of leader who can reach an agreement or whether he wants to be the Moses of the Palestinians, staying in front of the river and not crossing into the promised land.

An independent, strong, thriving and peaceful State of Israel is the vengeance of the dead.

I do not believe the efforts of the international community to stop Iran's nuclear program will bear fruit.

I'm no wealthier than Bibi Netanyahu or Arik Sharon. I don't feel that I'm more hedonistic than Ehud Olmert, or Yitzhak Rabin or Shimon Peres.

As prime minister, I was the Israeli leader who walked the greatest distance in his offers to the Palestinians.

I think that Jordan is strong. I think that they will hold on. I believe that they've already opened their parliament and their system, the press and others, to many voices... And I hope and wish that they will remain stable for a long time.

To think that you can - as a Zionist, Jewish independent state at the end of the 20th century - rule over another people for generations without having any consequences - it's ridiculous.

War is no picnic. Wars should be prevented, and if you can't prevent them, you have to put them off.

I don't think that the Iranians, even if they got the bomb, they're going to drop it immediately on some neighbor. They fully understand what might follow. They're radical, but not total mishuginas.

As long as in this territory west of the Jordan river there is only one political entity called Israel, it is going to be either non-Jewish or non-democratic. If this bloc of millions of Palestinians cannot vote, that will be an apartheid state.

In Israel, generally speaking, politics is much more familiar than any other place. We all know each other.

Since the Six-Day War, the whole world, which is the real arena of battle between us and the Palestinians, believes that Israel is right in regard to procedure, namely problems and disputes should be solved around the negotiating table.

There is a thin line between peace of the brave and peace of the hostage... between compromise - even calculated risk - and irresponsibility and capitulation.

They say in the Middle East a pessimist is simply an optimist with experience.

I have no regrets.

This is America. Success is not guaranteed.

We think that this message - of someone that's from the private sector that built a company and now wants to shrink a government and grow an economy - is a winning message.

I am a forthright defender of the right to bear arms - which is guaranteed not only by the U.S. Constitution, but by the Constitution of Arizona.

I'm a believer in private enterprise, the dignity of work, limited government, and the possibilities of freedom.

I built a company; now, I would like to shrink a government and grow an economy.

If you saw a better idea or business anywhere in the world, and you could reapply it legally and ethically and with attribution, you were supposed to do that. And I used that learning in building Cold Stone.

I built a company, a team, and a brand that started right here. It was an American success story, and it started right here in Arizona.

Earning a certificate or degree, or both, after high school opens the door to countless economic opportunities.

As our economy advances, educational attainment is going to keep Arizona competitive.