We want to make sure Arizona residents have the opportunity to learn about the decisions we are making and have a chance to participate in the process.

Setting the state budget is one of the most important tasks we undertake at the state Capitol - because after all, it's the people's money - not the government's.

Government must continue to live within its means.

We can't let government make long-term commitments that it may not be able to keep.

To say that I'm going to veto something that I haven't read is just - or sign something that I haven't read - I don't think is good policy for any chief executive.

I'm focusing on the issues that bring people together and build broad majorities.

Speculation replaces fact. It's very easy to see news outlets running with information that is unconfirmed or erroneous.

Our officers are on the front lines - the first to show up on the scene of a crime. They should be respected; not ridiculed. They and their families protected; not put at risk.

When it comes to free speech and participation in the democratic process, our laws should reflect the goal of making it easier for more citizens to engage.

Arizona has three of the top 10 public high schools in the nation. We know how to educate a child. We just need to do it more often in more locations, and where we're having issues are in low-income areas where - where kids don't have a parent that cares or two parents that care, and, of course, also in our tribal nations.

Franchises are independently owned and operated businesses whose owners are responsible for their operations.

Serving ice cream isn't exactly like serving in state government, but what I learned guides me today.

Federal government has forced a one-size-fits-all model on our education system.

Conventional wisdom is not always the best wisdom.

We will ensure Arizona continues to grow jobs, not destroy them.

Sky Harbor may be a city airport, but it's an Arizona vital resource used by citizens all over the state, and our economy is dependent on its success.

If people want to take the time to vote, they should be able to, and their vote should be counted.

We should be working with the governor of Sonora to establish a commercial sea port on the coast of their state.

Maintaining a positive working relationship with Mexico's leadership will also be crucial to increasing communication and trade. I plan to personally maintain those relationships.

Texas has an established trade office in Mexico City, as do other Texan cities. They have a more mature trade relationship with Mexico, and I want to make Arizona a leader in this area also.

Texas has more effectively capitalized on its opportunities as a border state, and I've always said that I want to look to states that are doing better than we are and replicate those success stories in Arizona.

I want to be an independent and responsible voice for Arizonans, and it would be unwise to endorse a specific approach before the costs and benefits of these options can be evaluated.

The best way to keep water prices down is to avoid unnecessary increases in costs.

In many respects, Arizona is a model for the rest of the country on best practices for water management.