What many don't know is that Arizona has a something called the State Land Trust - a fund with assets that have been set aside and invested for decades specifically to benefit education.

One way to ensure that all kids will be successful in school and life is by focusing on literacy by the end of the third grade.

As parents, we all want the best for our children.

Arizonans want us to come together, put aside politics, and solve problems. You want us to do our jobs in way that reflects the best of our state. You want us to stop and listen - something that doesn't always come naturally to people in politics.

I ran for public office to do something good.

Arizona should be to the Sharing Economy what Texas is to Oil and what Silicon Valley used to be to the tech industry.

As CEO of Cold Stone Creamery, we used a concept called 'search and reapply,' which meant that if we found better ways of doing something, then we would do it.

Thriving economies on both sides of the border is a win-win for Arizona and Mexico, but that will only come by working together and demonstrating mutual respect.

States with better-educated citizens also see economic benefits. These states have better luck recruiting and retaining quality employers, and they enjoy lower overall rates of unemployment, poverty, and welfare dependency.

Governors compete. States compete. People & businesses decide.

Every large brand has franchisees and stores that don't make it. It's unfortunate, and Cold Stone did everything it could to support its franchisees, but some failure rate is part of the business.

I am a believer in the rights of the unborn and the goodness of every life, and I have promised that, as governor, I will champion those values.

It's a sad day when Republicans will attack fellow Republicans on an issue as fundamental as free enterprise.

I enjoy being out; I like being around people, but at a certain point in time, I kind of run out of charming, and I'm ready to go home, and I'm very comfortable alone.

I strongly believe that more money needs to be spent in the classroom.

You still find a great sense of possibility here, and I want to make sure that Arizona stays that way. I want us to be the welcoming, job-creating state we've been from the start, a place where everybody's got a chance.

Biotech research is incredibly important for health-care innovation.

Some people never learn, no matter how much their heads hurt in the morning.

Ice cream brings people together.

Men don't wear high heels, and they don't make allowances for women who do. Tottering down the corridors of power in beautiful but crippling stilettos telegraphs your preference for style over substance.

My mother wasn't a very patient woman. If I complained about being lonely or bored, she'd tell me to go help someone, anyone. To this day, when I start feeling sorry for myself, I look for a good deed to do.

Until there are no more hate crimes, no more vicious bullying and ugly slurs, whenever a person comes out - whether that person is a celebrity or a 'nobody' - it should be celebrated like the triumph of courage it is.

Some of us believe, with good reasons, that the Republicans are 'mad-dogging' Hillary Clinton with the Benghazi hearing to damage not only her presidential prospects, but also to damage President Obama's credibility.

For some Republicans, 2016 is 1992: Hating Hillary Clinton is chic again. Only more so, since the former secretary of state is also the partner of and potential successor to the last two Democratic presidents - Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.