The Stone is one, the Medicine is one, to which we add nothing, only in the preparation removing superfluities.

By nature all men are equal in liberty, but not in other endowments.

The truth can be perceived only through thinking, as is proven by Augustine.

In the old law, God was praised both with musical instruments, and human voices. But the church does not use musical instruments to praise God, lest she should seem to judaize.

Justice without mercy is cruelty; mercy without justice is dissolution.

Friendship makes you feel as one with your friend.

Temperance is simply a disposition of the mind which set bounds to the passions

Nothing can be known, save what is true;

Reason in man is rather like God in the world.

It is better to illuminate than merely to shine. Maius est illuminare quam lucere solum.

But a dauntless faith believes

Honor is due to God and to persons of great excellence as a sign of attestation of excellence already existing; not that honor makes them excellent.

It has become the fashion to talk about Mysticism, even to pose as Mystics, and—need it be said?—those who talk the most on such subjects are those who know the least.

Pipes are not to be used for teaching, nor any artificial instruments, as the harp, or the like: but whatsoever will make the hearers good men.

Now in matters of action the reason directs all things in view of the end:

The slenderest knowledge that may be obtained of the highest things is more desirable than the most certain knowledge obtained of lesser things.

Jerome says (Ep. ad Nepot. lii): "Shun, as you would the plague, a cleric who from being poor has become wealthy, or who, from being a nobody has become a celebrity.

Further, nothing, except sin, is contrary to an act of virtue. But war is contrary to peace. Therefore war is always a sin.