The strikers are the first defenders. And the first defender is the first striker to build from the back.

Joy is important in life, not just football. Joy is being serious and professional, too. Joy can be reaching your potential by training hard and being disciplined. Joy can be following the rules you need to follow.

My faith gives me the belief that I can go out and perform and improve as a player. It gives me strength and inspiration.

One day, when I have my own kids, I'll tell them that, even when their life is not easy, they can still do anything they want. That is the way to approach things.

It's always a battle to play against Diego Costa.

Barca are a great team that play fantastic football.

My respect for Chelsea will be forever.

This is football, so you need to be clever to understand the moment and win games.

A World Cup would only be a true experience if I were wearing the Brazilian shirt. Otherwise, it would just be like playing for a club.

I am not against freedom of speech, and I recognise the value of fair publication.

I was winning everything in Paris. I was there for two years and won all the titles in France. I had a great life, great credibility with the club... I had everything.

I have a tremendous respect to all French Federation of Football football teams, players, and supporters.

I'm a joker; that's my choice. It's my style. But I care about my life. I care about the game. I care about the people who gave me this opportunity.

The weather was so cold in Lisbon when I arrived. I decided, 'Let's grow the hair to hide my ears.' And after that, it became nice hair.

If you don't take risks in your life, you never feel something new, so I taste something new, and I like that.

I love Sarri's philosophy. We play high, with a lot of possession in a technical way.

Nobody likes to lose a Champions League semi-final.

When Chelsea came to me and said they wanted me to come back, I was happy because I had a special moment here - one of the best in my career. I won the Champions League, the Europa League.

My dream was always to play for Brazil.

That's why football is so nice - it gives us the opportunity to react quickly and learn a lot from a situation, what were our mistakes, and where things went wrong.

You cannot hide yourself from any situation.

Yes, I love playing football, so it doesn't matter where I play.

Brazil has people in some places with so difficult situations. They prefer to smile than cry because they love life. They love to be happy. That's Brazilian style.

I came back to Chelsea to stay. When I took my decision to come back here from Paris, it was to win the Premier League and to do something again with Chelsea, so I am very happy here.

I changed my position when I was 16 or 17. I started in midfield or further forward as a number 10, and then in one tournament, we lost two defenders to injury in the same game, and we didn't have any on the bench. So I played at the back, and the manager of the first team saw me, and he said, 'I want this guy in the first team,' and that was that!

Everything in life belongs to God. Our purpose has already been mapped out.

I can speak about me: I never want to be off the pitch; I never want to come off.

What I've learned in life is that you can't always win, especially in sport, but you can be a true champion for everything you did to get there.

Every league game is like the World Cup. The passion... intense, the desire for points.

I'm looking forward to playing my first match for Paris.

It's always difficult to win matches.

Lukaku is a fantastic player, and a great friend.

When I was youn,g I always saw Brazil winning games on television with fantastic players and a fantastic team.

I cannot get to the top on my own. Everyone is important to me. Everyone has played a part in my success, and I try to show that.

I always give my best on the field, but I think modern footballers have a big opportunity to make a difference in peoples' lives.

It's great to understand football - it never stops. Since I started playing football, I always learn from every coach. It's great.

I learned a lot: sometimes you have to be patient. Sometimes you have to take care of your body. Sometimes you have to learn from outside to be good in the future.

I think I always have to feel fresh start, because I am getting old!

I think everybody is born pure. You never go to the maternity ward and hold a baby that has bad energy.

To say 'He played bad' is different from 'He is a bad player.' You understand? I make a mistake. It does not mean I am a bad person.

I am an optimist in my life.

If you want me to be honest, be honest with me.

I've been working hard a lot since the beginning of my career, and to play 10 years consecutively in big clubs is not easy, and I try to give my best every season.

To put your team in the top level of the Champions League is special.

I can wake up crazy or normal; it depends.

When I was young, I was a kid that never stopped. I wanted to do everything; a lot of energy. I didn't have this big hair. But I was a happy person.

The strikers are the first defenders. And the first defender is the first striker to build from the back.

Footballers have a great opportunity to be a good example because the kids want to listen to you and be like you in many ways.

Joy is important in life, not just football. Joy is being serious and professional, too. Joy can be reaching your potential by training hard and being disciplined. Joy can be following the rules you need to follow.