Obviously, I don't have a high IQ, but I've always liked nerds and quirky guys.

I was having a bad day, and my friend said, 'Go wash your hair.' I thought it was really silly - but it made me feel so much better. It might be a small thing, but it works. Washing it off and starting over.

The final phone call that said we're going to be picked up again was just a miracle. We've overcome the impossible and we're still pushing forward. I know John is smiling and so happy that he gets to watch us on TV.

As cheesy as it sounds, all my eggs were never in just one basket. I had a thousand baskets going on.

I feel like I'm meant to be a mom.

My new iPhone, I'm obsessed. My iPod. I love all the Mac crap. AppleTV, I'm crazy about that. I'd rather buy a new gadget than, like, a purse.

My 'Big Bang Theory' costar Johnny Galecki went off the grid. He bought a huge ranch and goes there every weekend. He keeps telling me to do the same thing, but I don't know if I'm that committed. The Valley is as far off the grid as I'm going to go.

I love the fashion world. I love clothes. I love style.

I was 16 when I auditioned for the series '8 Simple Rules.' They cast the kids first.

I have to have a cheat day. I know when I'm being good all week long that come Sunday, I'm going to lie by the pool, have a drink, and eat some pizza.

I love classical. I have a lot of, like, Bach and Mozart and stuff. Then you flip on over, and I've got, like, Kanye West and, you know, just a bunch of - I am very eclectic. I love every sort of music.

I start my day with granola, fresh fruit, and skim milk and end it with something healthy that also comes from my own kitchen.

I start the day with oatmeal with vanilla almond milk. If I don't, I'm dying by noon and eating everything in sight. On-set, I avoid crap and pack soup and salad. I cook pork chops or turkey tacos for dinner.

I really don't have a type. I never had a type. If I could put them all together, it's, like, the most different grouping. So I love when guys are funny. I love guys that are funny and goofy and over the top. And you know, I really like personality.

I don't have a high IQ, but I've always liked nerds and quirky guys.

I love being toned and having muscle; it's so sexy and beautiful. And I owe it 100 percent to yoga.

I have five horses. My first was a professional jumper named Santos. I got him when I was 18.

I'm not a girly girl. I go to the bar. I like to get dirty. I love sports. I'm like the son my dad never had.

It's hard to tell what an entire series is going to be based on the first few episodes, or even on the first season. And it's sad because you see great casts and good ideas that don't get that opportunity to grow and show what it could turn into.

I only go to yoga to drink wine, so I'm good. I just throw the calories right back in.

I love all music. Right now I am loving Josh Grobin and Kelly Clarkson.

When I fell for Johnny Galecki, we both knew immediately that we had this connection, and that was it.

I cry all the time. I love to laugh, too. It's important to create an environment for yourself where you feel what you need to and don't hold it in.

A 'Cosmo' cover has been my dream my entire life. I cried when I found out.

Finally there was a moment when it just hit me. John wouldn't want me to sit on my butt for the rest of my life feeling sorry for myself or sorry for him. As cheesy as it sounds, he would have wanted us to go on.

I've been acting since I was 5, literally since I could walk, and I've always said, 'I think one day I have to be in a fat suit.'

I love animals, and I feel more of a connection to animals than people.

I actually like to sing on 'Rock Band.' I prefer to take the mic.

With my parents, when I was younger, I always had to do two things. If I was acting, I always had to do a sport or something on the arts side of things along with that. That way, if one fell apart, I always had something else to fall back on.

My parents spent 16 years hauling my butt to L.A. for audition after audition. I remember always hoping I could help take care of them because they took such good care of me.

It's a fine line of doing what's good for your life and what your parents want you to do, but also following your dreams. With my parents, when I was younger, I always had to do two things. If I was acting, I always had to do a sport or something on the arts side of things along with that.

As I've gotten older, I've had to change my food intake.

James Garner is like a peaceful river through our chaos.

I'm a country girl at heart.

Horseback riding is my passion. Other than work. People can't imagine me getting dirty, but that's what I love about it.

I'm a 'Bridesmaids' type of girl. I love silliness. That's who I am at heart, and I know I can do it. If my career path takes me elsewhere, that's great. But comedy is my forte.

I wouldn't say I was bullied, but I was definitely a bit of an outcast. It was more the kids thinking I thought I was cool. I started homeschooling in fifth grade, and I was much happier.

Diet cola is my absolute favorite drink in the world; I used to drink four cans a day. But to help me cut down, I've turned it into a treat. Now, instead of having dessert, I'll have a can of diet soda. Putting a limit on how often I can drink it has helped me appreciate it more.

I can be a guy's guy and go to a game. But at the end of the night, I can still get dressed up for a date. There are a million different personalities that are part of me.

I'm the most competitive person you'll ever meet.

If my career path takes me elsewhere, that's great. But comedy is my forte.

You do a job; your show gets canceled. You get used to it.

I think we all have different moods - a nerd one day and cool the next. I think everyone has an inner geek, and I know I definitely do.

I firmly believe, only because I've been doing this for so long, every show takes three years. 90% of them don't get three years. It just does. It takes a long time to build a community, build a friendship with your characters. It's hard for people to grasp on and make them care about you.

I have four horses, and they are my everything.

It's important in a relationship to have moments when you do your own thing.

'Big Bang' is unbelievable; I'm blessed, but it's not the only thing in my life.

Not all of us are chameleons that can do every different thing. I hope I'm going to be typecast. I will play the girl next door for the rest of my life if I have to. I always kind of feel like I have that in my pocket when I go in a room.

I like Penny. She's cool. Yeah, she dates some idiots, but, although, so have I. So yeah, I would be friends with her. We'd have a lot to talk about.

I've been so lucky and blessed because words and stuff come so easy to me. I have a good memory.