"People rid the room of argument until they have no one left — except people who agree with them. It is understandable. But I like a good argument."

"A degree of narcissism is necessary, I suppose, to look in the pool to see your reflection. (Bono)"

"Religion to me almost like when God leaves – and people devise a set of rules to fill in the space."

"Entrepreneurial capitalism takes more people out of poverty than aid."

"The lyrics aren't literature. they're just part of the story."

"Honesty, vulnerability and a good amount of courageous faith allows you to cry out in your bewilderment and not lose your belief in the process. These things allow you to wrestle your faith rather than lose it."

"I think that the camera loves peopke who...loathe the camera (Bono)"

"If your heart was hard, that would be better / You could only break it once or twice / After that it would be rid of blood and you could let it turn to ice."

"The world is more malleable than you think, and it's waiting for you to hammer it into shape."

"ISIS and these kinds of extremists are a death cult. We’re a life cult. Rock ’n’ roll is a life force, and it’s joy as an act of defiance."

"Babe, it must be art"

"I dont know you. And you don't know the half of it."

"On the phone, it's about as intimate as it can get. The person's right in your ear. You got to be careful on the phone. You can leave yourself wide open"