Mark Tedesco

Mark Tedesco


United States


Mark Tedesco is a published author and history teacher in Los Angeles. He was born in California but lived for many years in Europe. There he developed a unique perspective which is apparent in his teaching and writing. His first book "That Undeniable Longing - My Road to and from the Priesthood" is a memoir of his sojourn in Rome in a Vatican seminary leading to ordination. Readers have been taken aback by his honesty and integrity in recounting his journey. His account continues as he eventually decided to leave the priesthood in order to be "true to himself". See Mark on CNN's "Life After" series: His second book is "Loving Hoping Believing - Poetry to Live By". Poetry comes alive here as the words express the love possible between two persons, the joy of being united, the anguish of loss and the hope of fulfillment. After eight years of research, Mark's work of historical fiction draws the reader into an experience of Ancient Rome. "I am John, I am Paul: A Story of Two Soldiers in Ancient Rome." The mysterious bond between the two soldiers is intertwined with the historical events of the 4th century. "Lessons and Beliefs: Searching for Love in the Gay World": Since wisdom is born of reflection on experience, Mark Tedesco takes the reader on a journey as he contemplates the quest for fulfilling relationships with others and with himself." Lessons and Beliefs: Searching for Love in the Gay World" is both self help and memoir, giving a riveting account of love and relationships in the gay world. Besides writing, Mark's passions run the gamut from archeology to sports and fitness. His colleagues consider to him to be somewhat of a Renaissance man. He enjoys imparting to his students his thirst for life and happiness. This thirst, or quest, is apparent in every work Mark devotes himself to.

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