When you're finished, bars are not inherently profitable. You got to work at them to make them profitable.

I think life takes circles sometimes.

Most people who get into the business are social animals by nature, but do they have the financial abilities to manage a business? A great bar owner has both.

The whole point of a bar is, I look in your eyes, you look in my eyes, we've never met each other before, we talk, we get to know each other, have a drink together, and the great end of that story is we get married someday.

If a candidate puts together a small business platform, I'll go out on the road for him. You know, I'll support him.

Each 'Bar Rescue' is shot in real time. So the complete rescue is 5 days from my arrival to my departure. I do not see or meet anyone in advance.

I think everybody thinks they can have the next $100 million venue. I think there is a bit of arrogance in that.

Cocktails and food are social.

Eating something with someone is the second most sensual and intimate thing you can do in life. The experience can't just be about consumption.

Any time a bar or chef cares more about their own ego than the tastes and comforts of their customers, they should just open a monument to themselves and not a business.

I can change businesses, but I can't change people.

When a sizable group of customers speak, I always listen! The 'customers' view' is key to my confidence in decisions.

I believe that every person's failure is their fault, every single time.

I have no personal or professional regrets. I really don't.

I'm a really happy guy. I have a great career, a wonderful wife and family.

When I meet with people who are ineffective managers with failing businesses, I can't change what they do - I have to change the way they think.

I've made stupid investments. I've made stupid decisions as an employee. I've made foolish decisions as a manager. I've gotten fired. I've lost businesses. I went through all of those things.

When I'm angry on TV, I'm actually not. I'm manipulating you as an owner.

Leadership cannot be taught. Either you're a leader by the time you're 12 years old, or you never will be.

Excuses destroy success every time.

I could take a cemetery and make all the tombstones beer companies. There's a lot of craft beers that came and went. A lot of them.

I don't want to hire people who have less of a commitment than I do.

The wrong personality with the greatest resume in a business will not grow that business.

Rarely does a congressman stand up and defend a liquor company. Rarely does a congressman stand up and defend a bar.