People feel extremely comfortable with me personally.

I have no desire to sell Rent the Runway. I have a 50-year vision for Rent the Runway, at least, to change consumer behavior and actually put the closet in the cloud.

All that Rent the Runway has really done is we've opened up the technology and logistics to make it possible to have the customer decide how long she needs an article of clothing for.

At Rent the Runway, we rent designer clothes. We have a belief set that half of the closet over time is going to move into the cloud, and a portion of what we wear every single day will be comprised of things that we don't own forever.

Our goal is to teach young women who were brought up on H&M and Forever 21 that designer clothes are expensive for a reason. They're works of art.

I try to work with people the way they prefer.

Even though she's my younger sister, Becky's definitely a role model in my life. She's the most genuinely positive person I've ever met.

I can grow as a leader only if I'm willing to accept feedback.

What's interesting about the transportation market is that you're often dabbling in multiple categories. The same person who might own a car is still using Uber, is still using a taxi, still might go to Avis on a business trip and rent a car.

Around the year 2000, businesses around the country went 'business casual.'

We're in the '100 percent return' business. This is driving millions of new customers into brands; most of our customers are wearing brands they've never tried before.

When you buy something for $9.99, and you know that it'll fall apart after you wear it once... you're going into the shopping experience knowing that you're renting. So all I'm doing is making the rental process more efficient.

I sleep around 8 hours, but I tend to wake up several times a night with constant dreams, thoughts, and ideas related to Rent the Runway.

Fashion should be a daily convenience, not a daily chore.

In many cases, women are being harassed by people who are on their board or who are associated with one of their venture capitalists.

There are a lot of subtle things that are harder to stamp out of a culture in terms of male entrepreneurs being mentored more than female entrepreneurs... male entrepreneurs getting several strikes against them before they're kind of let go, whereas female entrepreneurs, it's kind of one strike and you're out.

I was sexually harassed while building Rent the Runway - propositioned, sent sexual text messages, harassed and threatened in person.

I think about people like Jeff Bezos or Reed Hastings, and I really marvel at the stamina they've had to keep on trucking no matter what happens.

Our company wouldn't exist and wouldn't be around without our warehouse employees and our call center employees. And these employees - not just at Rent the Runway but at tens of thousands of other companies throughout the country - are treated unequally.

It's amazing how much misinformation there is about pregnancy and how many myths are still ingrained into our culture.

I'm bad at hiding my emotions.

As a little kid, I would watch Oprah almost every day.

I had this thesis that we had entered the experience economy. People were getting married later and starting to value experiences like travel over owning things.

When choosing vendors for my wedding, I intentionally searched for women who were at the beginning of their own founder journeys.