I cannot get enough farro.

Did I ever think about TV stardom? I don't watch a lot of TV. I wasn't even aware of the phenomenon of what was going on in food television, what you started with the Food Network.

It's OK to make mistakes... Try different things.

There's been quite a few conversations between me and my wife; she'd like to see my hair brown again. So who knows what will happen.

At first, people think about vegetarian food like, 'Here's some veggies. Here's some pasta.' But there's so much more you can do in the vegetarian and vegan world.

When I was 13, I opened my own business called The Awesome Pretzel Company, and my dad helped me build a pretzel cart.

Nothing, not even an avocado pit, keeps guacamole green for too long once it's made.

I have the best agents in the world.

What do people want? Contact. People want to be able to see you and touch you. Are you real?

People get a little bolder and more wild in summer. You've got things going on kabobs, things cooking on the bone. There's something about standing over a grill or outside with the family that inspires us.

I'm gonna open a small restaurant on the beach in Mexico. We're only gonna have a few tables, and we're only gonna cook what's fresh that day. We're gonna get back to the basics... Real food for real people.

I don't eat sweets. I'm not a big dessert guy.

It's a life lesson they need to have, a skill everybody needs - to cook.

My parents moved out to California in 1968 from Ohio in a VW station wagon pulling a little trailer. I was 4 months old. They were following the energy out here.

One of my good buddies is Marcel Reece with the Raiders. He's a big 'Triple-D' fan; he's a big food fan.

It's always good to go over the recipe beforehand, so you can easily think of the next thing that needs to be done.

I love everything from Enya to Pantera.

I never try and do the same show, ever. The audience controls the dynamic of the shows. Sometimes they listen, and sometimes they ask a million questions.

One of the greatest birds I've ever had is called a 'Turducken.' A chicken inside of a duck inside of a turkey. That's one that I love. I've done it a couple times.

If you looked in my fridge, you'd see maybe 12 different mustards.

If you slow it down, eat in courses, your body, mind, stomach will catch up with this full feeling and you won't eat as much.

The last thing I'm gonna do is, 'This is dynamite!' That's not my gig, man. I love the mom-and-pop joints. I love giving them recognition, but I'm not gonna blow smoke. We walked out of locations; we've changed locations.

Get off the beaten path... If you want to find those mom-and-pop joints, those funky little places, just ask around.

'Triple D' is not going anywhere. I enjoy highlighting my brothers and sisters in the business.