'Hustle & Flow' came out, and I was really rooting for 'Hustle & Flow' because, you know, it was a hip-hop movie, and it was a good movie. It was well acted.

I'm not one to be paying too much attention to what another dude's doing.

You speak things into existence, but there's a gift and a curse with that. You got to be careful what you say.

I always knew that content was the best way to sell things, but my thing was, why sell other people's stuff if I have a point of view?

Work harder than everyone, be patient, and just know that if you're going to do something on your own, you're gonna have to feel some pain.

It's important for people to believe in themselves.

A real man won't ask or answer questions about another man's money.

You're only the boss if you put up your own money.

I never intended to go into the family business. I've always been drawn to wanting to do something else at some time in my life.

To me, saying you're not a feminist should be like saying you're a racist. It should be that politically unacceptable.

I experienced no conflict between my mother and father, which was entirely due to my mother's compassion, intelligence, and maturity.

Hef is a man of the big picture. He is a creative force.

You can't delegate turning a company around.

I don't think the Playboy brand has changed much at all - it's always been sophisticated and aspirational.

The power of Playboy is its appeal around the world.

If I wear a suit, as I generally do in the business world, it's supposed to mean I'm retreating from competition with the bunnies. If I wear a very glamorous romantic dress, as I'm very likely to do if I'm going out in the evening, then I'm supposed to be competing with the bunnies.

I prefer tailored clothes. I always have. But I find that whatever I wear, people see it as charged with symbolic meaning.

Access to legitimate information and thoughtful analysis is the lifeblood of a democracy, the basis of which people make decisions about who they vote for and what they believe in. And if you're only getting half the story, that certainly doesn't lead to an informed citizenry.

I'm among the many Chicagoans who love to take advantage of the opportunity to dine outdoors in the summer months.

The people who relate to Playboy, both readers and people who produce it, are not the way the critics think they are.

I'd actually call myself pretty much a liberal. A progressive liberal. Because I do think that government is there to be a provider of services for people who cannot provide for themselves.

Playboy's all about why it's worth working so hard.

Part of brand management is what you don't do, not what you do.

I think when you're on a visiting relationship rather than a living relationship, it's kind of hard to have impact as a parent.