As a Korean War veteran, I know firsthand and understand the sacrifices made by our men and women in uniform.

Those of us in the Congress must confront and overcome Republican intransigence to increasing the minimum wage, extending unemployment insurance and protecting food stamps.

It's morally wrong, and economically self-defeating, that so much wealth flows upwards towards the richest of Americans, while millions work full time but still can't provide for their families.

I am proud to represent New York's 13th Congressional District, which has one of the largest and diverse populations in the country.

In various fields, such as science, technology, sports, business and the arts, immigrants enrich our culture every single day.

America's legacy has been crafted by generations of hard-working men and women who moved to the United States from all over the globe to pursue their dreams.

Our nation has come so far since 1968 when Dr. King was assassinated, but I know we can do better to achieve The Dream, and that is why I keep marching on.

Not having insurance not only destroys your life, it destroys your fiscal life. It breaks up marriages. You cannot functions anywhere unless you have good health.

We can't have Harlem become one borough for the rich.

I didn't ever want to leave Manhattan. I have an abnormal fixation.

Reapportionment is not friendly to a lot of communities and it hasn't been too friendly to mine.

I feel terrific.

The victor will be the one who gets the most voters out.

I'm just glad that my community has faith and confidence in me.

Of course things get stagnant; people get too used to their environment, but that's why I'm in my district every week, at meetings with my constituents.

If there's no relationship with a father who's absent, nobody talks about it.

My father was absolutely no good.

I have a record that I'm so very, very proud of, and no campaign is going to take that away.

I've been beat up pretty badly. Pretty badly. Yet at the end of the day, everyone says I'm doing a pretty good job.

For a member to say, 'I'm a lame duck' violates political science 101.

No one looks forward to a recount.

If you got problems like unemployment, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare and there's a guy that's always been there for you and for your family, then you say 'He's a nice guy. I don't know where he came from or how long he's been here, but Charlie Rangel's the man.' That's what I'm relying on.

I don't know whether the number of any particular Latino group has made or will make any particular difference in the issues that I am concerned with.

If you are spending too much, you cut back on spending and you raise your revenues. And that's it.