I learned most of what I knew about online communities on The Well, and it was a good place to learn. The group of people in Sausalito and Bolinas who'd gotten the Whole Earth Catalog off the ground - a bunch of boomer hippies, intellectuals and nerds - established the 'Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link', and showed us what online communities were.

Every place has a story - or a thousand stories. Findery brings places to life, be they where you stand or where you hope to go.

If we are not given the chance to forget, we are also not given the chance to recover our memories, to alter them with time, perspective, and wisdom. Forgetting, we can be ourselves beyond what the past has told us we are; we can evolve. That is the possibility we want from the future.

In 2001, the hard disk on my laptop crashed, and everything on it was lost. I'd been using the computer for two, almost three years, and had all my work on it - email, which was stored locally; photos; fragments of poems; presentations; sketches; ideas; love letters; everything. I lamented the loss to my friends and got lectured on doing backups.

Sometimes you climb the mountain, and you fall and fail. Maybe there is a different path that will take you up. Sometimes a different mountain.

Dream, struggle, create, prevail. Be daring. Be brave. Be loving. Be compassionate. Be strong. Be brilliant. Be beautiful.

There's nothing worse for a mentor than being asked generic questions that anyone could answer. They want to ensure that their time is having an impact on you.

A lot of the magic that is behind success can be unlocked through mentorships. Mentorships are a fundamental part of the success equation.

As an entrepreneur, the latitude of failure and of success is directly correlated to people. I am growing more and more attentive to my first instincts, even if I can't justify them, as they apply to people.

The failures that you beat yourself up over are the ones where you experienced warning signs and can connect the dots backwards after the fact.

An interview is about mutual selection.

I want every single millennial woman to feel like Levo has improved their lives.

The fact that millennials are fast at communication and expect transparency and don't feel comfortable with hierarchy gets interpreted as us being impatient or entitled. These traits are perfectly normal given that we're the first digital natives.

We are very committed to highlighting women succeeding in entrepreneurship or technology.

From a professional standpoint, our transformation of the labor landscape at scale through technology with Levo is the highest and best direction of my energy.

I live my life as an entrepreneur in every possible way I can by applying the question 'What can be done better and how?' at every juncture.

Power is the agency to effect change, pure and simple. The more power you have, the clearer and less frictional the trajectory from an idea in your mind to its birth in real life.

It can be very challenging to be what you can't see. Think about it in the physical world. You walk into a room, and no one looks like you. Can you relate to them? Do you feel welcome? Let's stop talking about how men dominate the technology industry and instead focus on the women who are killing it.

We cannot solve the STEM gender gap without solving it for millennials. They're our first digital natives, and they're willing to learn quickly.

What matters about people is their magnetic leadership, their aptitude for helping those following in their footsteps, and their passion - how they choose to package that is their prerogative.

I was told by people who wanted to 'help' me that, although I had checked the box on the skills they wanted to see in the quarterly evaluation, they thought that I might want to cut my long hair so that I looked less young.

By saying that leaders - male or female - have to look or act a certain way to be respected as role models, we are not only hurting those individuals but also reinforcing rigid benchmarks for the next generation of passionate, aspiring leaders, who are watching.

The interview is not over when the meeting is over. Never forget that.

Create a list of your intentions for your work. Then research available internships and/or companies that you are attracted to based on that personal North Star. Once that is clear, you begin outreach to people connected to industries you're passionate and/or curious about.