The loudest voice in the room doesn't always work. In fact, it usually grates to the point - to the point that when you really need to be loud, nobody listens.

What keeps me up is always raising the bar, and what makes my team happiest and also most worrisome is I'm always asking for more.

I always want to do better; I always want to find a new challenge.

The one thing that makes me nuts is if there's a problem or something that I don't know about.

This is the person you think is your antagonist, who ends up being your greatest ally: the person who pushes, criticizes, and challenges you to meet a standard of excellence you might not otherwise achieve.

You may not know it now, if you studied communications or engineering, law or medicine, business or classics: you're a storyteller, too.

A black actor is perfect for 'Kojak.'

Harvey Milk gave hope to generations of gay and lesbian Americans by encouraging them to live their lives openly and to speak out against the discrimination and prejudice they faced.

It's very hard to tell somebody how to write when they're so good, and they're a brilliant writer and a really good guy.

From my point of view, 'Stranger in a Strange Land' isn't just a science fiction masterpiece; it also happens to be one of my favorite books ever.

Realistically, guys who are into gaming are not necessarily watching television.

With 'Battlestar Galactica,' we had such resistance from the fan base to changing it. The upshot was, we ultimately won them over.

We couldn't own Sci Fi; it's a genre. But we can own Syfy.

'Political Animals' was before its time: a little darker, a little edgier. The audience wasn't ready for it.

'Glory' pays tribute to honorable men who faced unimaginable discrimination even as they fought to preserve basic human rights.

'Stargate SG-1' is one of Sci Fi's sure-fire hits. It's got one of the best ensemble casts on television and one of the best production teams as well.

I think it's the nervousness and the worry that it won't last forever that keeps us working so hard.

Being complacent was never going to teach us anything.

As any female executive with a family knows, you're making mental lists all through the night. You're often not sure you've managed to sleep at all.

I basically hit the deck running as soon as I wake up and don't turn my brain off till long after the lights are out.

Where we've been wise is that, while 'Monk' may have been a risk at the beginning, we've built its success and built on its success. We looked at what was working and why it was working.

Rapid response is essential in the fight against hate.

We can sit back and be part of a hurting America, or we can channel our energy into something positive and do what we can to break the cycle of hate.

My Hollywood is a place where anything can happen, where dreams can become reality, and reality often morphs into fiction. It's a place where people's day jobs create magic.