If we look conservative, it's because the other guys are so far to the left.

Yes, people will pay for the Fox News Channel, despite the fact that the general feeling, one created by the Internet, is that everything should be free.

I consider myself a freedom fighter, fighting for my clients.

I think that 'Fox & Friends' audience is going to increase. That franchise in the morning is very important to any television operation because they make money.

Twitter is a wonderful device. And I call it a device, but there are people that are addicted to it now. That's not good. You're really not very interesting using only so many letters.

I did what I did. I went against the grain. And I understand that I would be criticized. Those were all choices.

Nobody wants to be in a position of defending anything Fox might do for minorities.

I happen to think that the Latino audience is an essentially traditional audience and will go to Fox News for traditional American values.

Hispanics who get on government programs are doing only a little better than they were in the old country.

Fox News Latino has a mission to point out the positives of the Latino population, operating within the framework of making America great.

I was the youngest producer of a national television show when I was twenty-five. I took it to 182 markets. Tremendous success.

If you're in the Senate and in the minority, you just get to give speeches and run around and raise money. If you're in the majority, you're under attack from the press every day.

When I was in politics, I always got accused of image-making and trying to make them something they weren't. Truth was - and nobody ever discovered it, although I was in that business for twenty years - what I was trying to do was to get them to be themselves.

If somebody comes to me looking for a fight, they might get one.

I'd like to hire Hillary Clinton. She looks unhappy at the State Department. She'd get ratings.

My first qualification is I didn't go to Columbia Journalism School.

I don't tell Rupert Murdoch who to endorse.

In a capitalistic society, success is determined by whether you can pay the bills.

I don't care about my legacy. It's too late. My enemies will create it, and they'll push it.

I'm constantly trying to invent different ways to do things. If you're going to be a television executive, you have to change with the times.

CNBC was completely in the dumper when I went there.

I like Marco Rubio. But I don't know about as a vice-presidential candidate. He's a nice guy, and that role requires kicking the crap out of your opponents.

I like Bloomberg; he's a friend.

Money will find you if people believe in your message.