Imagine you put Brock Lesnar/Samoa Joe and Roman Reigns/John Cena on WrestleMania. Sold.

I think deep down inside, most of the bad guys want to get cheered - I don't. I want absolutely everybody in there to hate me, and that's the mentality you need to have to be a successful heel.

'Vikings' is a very physical, tough show. If you see battle scenes, it's us doing it. There are so many similar physical elements to WWE.

I've always said this: Edge is purely a character.

I think The Singh Brothers - I know them as Harv and Gurv - they're doing great.

I'm 6-foot-4 and 240 pounds, which is average size in WWE, but in the world of television and movies, it's huge.

With Undertaker and I, we only had one singles match leading up to WrestleMania XXIV, and we realized we had something. We knew going into WrestleMania it was going to be cool. And it was.

I don't consider myself this amazing thespian.

It's interesting: I never got stressed before wrestling matches. I always felt completely confident that I had done everything I could do, all my mental preparations when I sat down and envisioned the match, so I never felt stressed.

For me, Edge was just a character.

I read to my kids every night.

Hulk Hogan was my reason for getting into the business. He was this larger-than-life entity.

I think WrestleMania 17, everything's subjective, but if it's me, that's the best card and the best pay-per-view ever and just because of the totality of it. From opening match to last match, everything delivered.

You always wonder what's going to happen in a Brock Lesnar match, but if you see Brock every week, it's not as special.

Chris Jericho and I were really excited about teaming together, but we didn't get to sink our teeth into what we could have done as a team. We really wanted to throw it back to the glory days of Pat Patterson and Ray Stevens. We were committed, we were coming up with team moves, and all of the things were made to work.

I own three homes. I drive a Jeep. I'm cool with that.

My whole idea, to me, is if you're a heel in wrestling, you should not having a band playing for when you come out and people will react in a positive way.

I think the best promo guys make it sound like it's not a promo.

I liked The Trickster because he was The Flash's Joker. I liked Solomon Grundy, too.

One of the things that I wanted to do post-'Haven' is go after some shows I was a fan of already, and 'Vikings' was on the list.

Being the Rated-R Superstar, I have to live up to the reputation.

People don't look at the broader picture a lot of the time.

I can adapt my game to anyone, whether it's Ric Flair, Chris Benoit, or Batista.

Generally, there's a lot of ad-lib involved with live TV and things like that, whereas with acting in front of the camera, it was, if you screwed up a line, well, you've got another take, and you also had a script to be able to study, so it wasn't all ad-lib and flying by the seat of your pants, which I like both aspects, actually.