Our house was like a hotel. It was a loony-tunes household. If you got arrested in high school, everyone knew: 'Call Mrs. Evans; she'll bail you out.'

I'm a romantic. I like romantic movies.

What did people do prior to cell phones? Read a book? If I'm stuck in a car, and I don't have my phone, I'm like, 'What am I doing?' Car rides used to be one of my favorite things.

With the second 'Captain America,' we really pushed the envelope in terms of what this guy is capable of, which I was excited to see. Because in the first 'Captain America,' he's just strong. In 'Avengers,' it was still, in my opinion, a little bit 'punch, punch, kick, kick.'

I don't know any form of art or entertainment that can affect people the way movies can. I know it sounds ridiculous, but they can change your world. They can change your views.

I hung out with the jocks. It doesn't mean I necessarily was one. I was just kind of there.

I've read a hundred fantastic scripts that didn't pan out as films, and I completely put that on the directors. I've also read some mediocre scripts that have ended up being amazing, and I credit that to the directors. They're the storytellers. If you don't have a good storyteller, you really have nothing.

The comic book world is so dangerous, you know what I mean? You say one thing and people - they're ravenous - they are very opinionated fans. But they're great fans.

I love getting to be in 'The Avengers.' You just breathe a little bit. It's not all about you. It's so nice to have other people bearing the burden of responsibility.

The majority of the world is empty space. Empty space, empty space, empty space. All that we see in the world, the life, the animals, plants, people - it's all empty space. That's amazing!

My family is certainly very vocal. They're very Italian. A lot of our holidays end with people screaming at each other across the room. And everyone's very opinionated and intelligent. A lot of my aunts and uncles are wildly educated, and their opinions reflect that. We're all very liberal.

All my good movies, nobody sees.

If I read the right script, if that script needs $5 million, if that script needs $50 million, I don't care. If I read a project that's beautiful, that I really want to make, whatever it needs, it needs.

There was a little less pressure to be fit on 'The Avengers' than 'Captain America.' I had just finished 'Captain America,' so I was already built. Plus, 'Captain America' has that one scene dramatic scene where my transformation is revealed. 'The Avengers' has not one shirtless scene.

There's, you know, there's an ideology behind Ultron that makes him more unique that just a bad guy. He doesn't wanna just kill the Avengers. He doesn't wanna just destroy the world. He has these monologues and these beautiful speeches that kind of embody a certain mentality about what's wrong with humanity.

If your goal is to be the biggest movie star in the world, a 10-movie contract is gold. It was never my goal. Up until now, I made movies - and I have a nice house, a nice car. I'm fortunate, happy and grateful. Life is good.

I'm not that great with press sometimes.

I always say I should do more yoga. Or do yoga - more would mean I do some. I've done none. But I always want to do yoga because I'm getting old. Nerves are getting pinched every other day, and I really just gotta get more limber.

I really love the sound of my dog snoring.

You know, the reward for 'Captain America' is amazing. It's always fun to see a giant spectacle film and see the fun stuff - the special effects.

Growing up, I really liked 'Star Wars.' Han Solo would've been really cool to meet. But my stuff was real low-brow. I was watching 'Bugs Bunny.'

I always wanted to see why Captain America was on this team of Avengers. He's got to have a reason - he can't just be really fast and punch really hard.

If making movies was easier, there'd be a lot more good movies. So you kind of learn that if it's just a good script, or if it's just a good producer, that's not always enough. You need an entire team of creative people coming together.

My worst hairstyle was a bowl cut parted down the middle. It was the '90s. It was what you did. I had that from 4th grade until freshman year in high school. I'm glad the pictures exist. I had great hair back then.