Democratic debate must never end.

Another thing the Democrats have grown accustomed to is their candidate is untouchable.

You notice that the Democrats are totally unified. I mean, you know they're dragging Algore back out? Algore is being dragged out of the Apple boardroom and wherever else he hangs out to go and rally Millennials on the premise that Millennials will respond to Algore's claim that we are destroying the planet and that he will get their attention.

They [Democrats] don't even want us around.

It's comprised of both Republicans and Democrats and their membership in this club known as the establishment, party affiliation is second or third in terms of your qualifications to be in the club.

Republican voters are fed up with Democrats and Democrat policy.

Hillary Clinton's negatives are higher than any Democrat who has ever been elected, ever run.

Look, the bottom line is, folks: They [Democrats] are unified. Their single objective is taking us out. We do not have that. Look at what's happening on our side. I mean, it's atrocious. It is actually embarrassing.

The media is the Democrat Party.

When the Democrat Party lost to Ronald Reagan in two landslides, it was the American people's fault. It was Reagan's fault.

I don't care if they're Republican liberals or Democrat liberals, they're still liberals. They're not 'moderates.' Don't hit me with that. There's no such thing as a moderate. A moderate is just a liberal disguise.

People feel the deck is being totally stacked against them, and the Democrats have various things in their playbook to go after opponents; taxes is one of them.

The way the Democrats go about seeking equality is to lower people at the top.

The Democrats can engage in the most reprehensible, mean-spirited, vile, vicious verbal attacks known in politics, and they get praised for it.

Government stimulates the democrat party.

The Republican Party seems just as eager as the Democrats to pronounce their voters as extreme kooks.

Now we have Republicans - to one degree or another - working as hard as the Democrats are to defeat Donald Trump.

Democrats are unified under the premise of total political annihilation.

This WikiLeaks document dump is showing - it's demonstrating, it is illustrating - that there is no boundary between the media and the Democrat Party, that it's one and the same.

Democrats are talking about how Vernon [Jordan] cheats, I mean, he philanders, he's all over place, and they love him for it.

Guess what? Faisal Shahzad is a registered Democrat. I wonder if his SUV had an Obama sticker on it.

Donald Trump - whatever he was warning the Democrats, whatever he's warning African-Americans about - he wasn't criticizing them. He was criticizing the Democrat Party. He was telling them it's the Democrat Party that has made their bed for 'em, and it's time that that changed.

It's abundantly clear the Democrats want to eliminate us.

Hillary Clinton ran the "Bimbo Eruptions Unit" with a woman named Betsey Wright. And in so doing, she preserved the Democrat Party, because she preserved the career of Bill Clinton.