"I love my love with a b because she is peculiar."

"There is no reason why a king should be rich or a rich man should be a king, no reason at all."

"Literature - creative literature - unconcerned with sex, is inconceivable."

"Hope in gates, hope in spoons, hope in doors, hope in tables, no hope in daintiness and determination. Hope in dates."

"Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense. They listen so much that they forget to be natural. This is a nice story."

"I am I because my little dog knows me."

"Affectations can be dangerous."

"I really do not know that anything has ever been more exciting than diagramming sentences."

"You'll be old and you never lived, and you kind of feel silly to lie down and die and to never have lived, to have been a job chaser and never have lived."

"The artist works by locating the world in himself"

"If everyone were not so indolent they would realise that beauty is beauty even when it is irritating and stimulating not only when it is accepted and classic."

"A rose is a rose is a rose."

"This is the place of places and and it is here."

"What is the answer?" [ I [Alice B Toklas] was silent ] In that case, what is the question?"

"A little artist has all the tragic unhappiness and the sorrows of a great artist and he is not a great artist."

"A FEATHER. A feather is trimmed, it is trimmed by the light and the bug and the post, it is trimmed by little leaning and by all sorts of mounted reserves and loud volumes. It is surely cohesive."

"If you knew it all it would not be creation but dictation."

"If the communication is perfect, the words have life, and that is all there is to good writing, putting down on the paper words which dance and weep and make love and fight and kiss and perform miracles."

"Anything one does every day is important and imposing and anywhere one lives is interesting and beautiful."

"If you can do it then why do it?"

"A writer should write with his eyes and a painter paint with his ears."

"There is no there there."

"She always says she dislikes the abnormal, it is so obvious. She says the normal is so much more simply complicated and interesting."

"When I go around and speak on campuses, I still don't get young men standing up and saying, How can I combine career and family?"