I will love you forever, my darling’. These are the sweetest and most magical words a man can ever say to a woman. 

Love truly makes the world go round and the universe as well.

Forever is a very long time, but true love lasts even longer. 

Love never dies, it does not even fade away. 

The tender words of love are as soft music to the ear. 

Never give up on love. It could be waiting for you just around the corner.

Love always seems so far beyond the horizon, but it is really much closer than anyone imagines.

Love travels at the speed of light. 

Love can change in time, but true love never changes.

Love can strike at any time in a blinding flash – it is so powerful that no-one can fight it.

Everyone falls in love at least once in a lifetime, and it is always a unique, wonderful and spiritual experience.

Nothing in the world can ever equal love. 

Love is like a rock – it endures for ever. 

Never look for love, love will find you. 

Never look for love, love will find you. 

God to me is love.

Love is all you need.

What drives me is I love my profession. I love to do it.

It's a cyclical thing. When they make one, everyone loves them. Different genres come around in succession. People always welcome the western. It's America's genre.

I know that a large part of my fan base is gay. They've shown me love from the start. I mean in this industry, everyone from my glam people to my dancers are gay. You can't be homophobic in this line of work - I'm a pop star!

You have to just accept your body. You may not love it all the way, but you just have to be comfortable with it, comfortable with knowing that that's your body.

I can't make a song for a particular person or demographic. If I love it, I'm gonna do it. I have to perform it for the rest of my life. A song is like a tattoo - you can never get away from it.

I just love working with Eminem. He's just one of my favorite rappers, and his lyrics - he's a true poet, and I enjoy that about him.

I think love is one of the purest things you can sing about. One of the best things you can sing about.