"My own dear love, he is strong and bold And he cares not what comes after. His words ring sweet as a chime of gold, And his eyes are lit with laughter. He is jubilant as a flag unfurled - Oh, a girl, she'd not forget him. My own dear love, he is all my world - And I wish I'd never met him."

"There's little in taking or giving, There's little in water or wine: This living, this living, this living, Was never a project of mine. Oh, hard is the struggle, and sparse is The gain of the one at the top, For art is a form of catharsis, And love is a permanent flop, And work is the province of cattle, And rest's for a clam in a shell, So I'm thinking of throwing the battle - Would you kindly direct me to hell?"

"My love runs by like a day in June, And he makes no friends of sorrows. He'll tread his galloping rigadoon In the pathway of the morrows. He'll live his days where the sunbeams start, Nor could storm or wind uproot him. My own dear love, he is all my heart, -- And I wish somebody'd shoot him."

"I hate writing, I love having written."

"If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?"

"Oh, seek, my love, your newer way; I'll not be left in sorrow. So long as I have yesterday, Go take your damned tomorrow!"

"By the time you swear you're his, Shivering and sighing. And he vows his passion is, Infinite, undying. Lady make note of this -- One of you is lying."

"Four be the things I'd have been better without: love, curiosity, freckles and doubt."

"The sweeter the apple, the blacker the core. Scratch a lover and find a foe!"

"Once, when I was young and true. Someone left me sad - Broke my brittle heart in two; And that is very bad. Love is for unlucky folk, Love is but a curse. Once there was a heart I broke; And that, I think, is worse."

"Drink and dance and laugh and lie, Love, the reeling midnight through, For tomorrow we shall die! (But, alas, we never do.)"

""Her "mind lives tidily, apart from cold and noise and pain. And bolts the door against her heart, out wailing in the rain."

"The affair between Margot Asquinth and Margot Asquinth will live as one of the prettiest love stories in all literature."

"Now I know the things I know, and I do the things I do; and if you do not like me so, to hell, my love, with you!"

"I was always sweet, at first. Oh, it's so easy to be sweet to people before you love them."

"I cannot worry much about your sins and miseries when I have so many of my own. I can only love you all, poor fellow travelers, fellow sufferers. I do not want to add one least straw to the burden you already carry. My prayer from day to day is that God will so enlarge my heart that I will see you all, and live with you all, in His love."

"Your love for God is only as great as the love you have for the person you love the least."

"When it comes down to it, even on the natural plane, it is much happier and more enlivening to love than to be loved."

"As Dostoevski said: 'Love in action is a harsh and dreadful thing compared with love in dreams."

"Love and ever more love is the only solution to every problem that comes up."

"The older I get, the more I meet people, the more convinced I am that we must only work on ourselves, to grow in grace. The only thing we can do about people is to love them."

"The final word is love."

"The only solution is love."

"Love casts out fear, but we have to get over the fear in order to get close enough to love them."