I think there are people who really always have and always will care about the quality of music in general, about the sound of the music, things like that.

Some artists are nervous - most of them are, to tell you the truth, and they have different ways of exhibiting that. Some of them are boisterous, some are really quiet.

I think an artist's true worth comes through an inter-generational thing - when you go beyond your own time, and start influencing people in a greater way than just what surrounds you.

The younger generation gives me more respect than I could ever hope for.

Having a solo career is a funny thing.

I knew that I would be making music for my whole life; as far as how many people respond to it, you can't plan for that.

I've always been a spontaneous singer. And all the stuff that you hear on the end of the songs, what they call the ad libs - that just comes out of my head. That's not thought out at all. I have the verses and the choruses, and then after that it's total improvisation.

If you're African American, you are forced into making different choices, in a lot of cases, than you are as a white person.

If you are a superstar, or whatever you want to call yourself, a person who's had outrageous success, and you decide to go indie and tell the record companies to screw themselves? That takes a certain amount of courage. And bullheadedness, really.

What I do isn't black music; it's just my music.

In my Philly neighborhood, black and white kids hung together without even thinking about it. The spirit of Martin Luther King was alive and well.

I specialize in early homes, and what I care about the most is renovating a home and taking it back to its original construction idea.

Nobody really cares about what other people think anymore; they're all about themselves.

As a singer, I float around. I'm kind of scatty, bouncing around a lot. I try to adapt to what's going on around me in the song and the arrangement.

I don't like showboating. I was never a fan of showing off.

The song 'Laughing Down Crying' is not a typical Daryl song.

I'm always interested in what fans think.

The biggest honor of my career was when I won R&B Artist of the Year back in the 1970s. I look at that as a major honor.

I think Philadelphia has been underrated over the years as a musical region.

If you see me walking down the street, you're gonna see the same guy as you do on stage, dressed the same, looking the same, and nothing changes. I'm just one person.

As I got older, my voice got better.

For years and years, I was beset with snide remarks by certain members of the press, where they would turn John Oates into a joke, or they would trivialize what I do, which never really bothered me all that much.

You externalise extreme emotions, and you look at them objectively and understand them from a different standpoint.

I've watched the world crash and burn in every sense. I've watched the record industry crash and burn; politically I've watched it crash and burn, financially crash and burn.