The three Klan leaders here in Maryland, Roger Kelly, Robert White, and Chester Doles - I became friends with each one of them - when the three Klan leaders left the Klan and became friends of mine, that ended the Ku Klux Klan in the state of Maryland.

If you have an adversary, you don't have to respect what they're saying, but respect their right to say it.

I am not so naive as to think everyone will change. There are certainly those who will go to their graves as hateful, violent racists.

People learn racism through dialogue. Somebody tells them about it. So if you can learn it through dialogue, you can also unlearn it through dialogue.

There are a lot of well meaning white liberals. And a lot of well meaning black liberals. But you know what? When all they do is sit around and preach to the choir it does absolutely no good. If you're not a racist it doesn't do any good for me to meet with you and sit around and talk about how bad racism is.

I don't believe that Donald Trump is a racist, per se. But some of the things that he does, some of the rhetoric that he uses, attracts racists and that sets the tone. And of course, you are judged by the company you keep.

There's a difference between being ignorant and being stupid... For me, an ignorant person is someone who makes the wrong decision or a bad choice because he or she does not have the proper facts. If you give that person the facts and the proper information you have alleviated that ignorance, and they make the right decision.

I did not vote for Donald Trump and I do not support him but I believe that Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in a long time. He's bringing out the country's ugliness. There's no turning a blind eye anymore.

A stupid person is someone who has the facts, who has the proper information, and still makes the wrong decision.

At the end, ignorance is the source of biases. If we cure that, there's nothing to fear and hate.

If you spend five minutes with your worst enemy - it doesn't have to be about race, it could be about anything... you will find that you both have something in common. As you build upon those commonalities, you're forming a relationship and as you build about that relationship, you're forming a friendship.

We spend too much time talking about each other, at each other, past each other, and not enough time talking with each other.

Antifa is now the one wearing the bandanas across their face or the masks. A lot of these groups - let's take Black Lives Matter, let's take Antifa, let's take the Ku Klux Klan - none of these groups today are centralized. They're all autonomous... It's the same thing with Antifa.

Keep in mind, when two enemies are talking, they're not fighting, they're talking. They might be yelling and screaming, but at least they're talking. It's when the talking ceases that the ground becomes fertile for violence.

You're always proud that people still want to hear what you're doing.

Every time I have a song that does well, that's a great feeling to have.

It's always a positive when radio is playing your music and fans are responding.

Everybody wants to have a good time, especially at a concert. That's why everybody goes.

I live for the NFL. I watch so much of it.

I think I could take a job as an NFL scout.

I played every position, from right tackle to quarterback and everything in between.

The first year I started liking the Dolphins was Super Bowl VI, which they lost to the Cowboys. I was 5. My whole family was pulling for the Cowboys, so I rooted for the Dolphins. They lost, and I cried.

We work so hard to stay true to country music. People can say they don't like it, but they can't say it's not country.

No doubt about it, country is a much more family-friendly business than pop.