Tell-all books are boring.

I couldn't really trust anyone. Not completely.

Death is not just the end, it's the beginning.

I'm always in the market for my acting.

The age thing is just a number.

It takes a village to run the Big Man - a village of doctors.

I've been pretty blessed. Sometimes it comes in disguise.

How many ways can you cut a steak? How many ways can a chord go? I've been in this business so long, I know how to cut it.

Through all the hardships and all the operations and all the hospitals, all that stuff each part of my life, there's been some goodness, some greatness that comes in here and helps me to be strong, to continue what I'm doing.

Going through all of this physical stuff, it's been a tough job. But I've loved every second of my life.

I always had this vision of what I wanted to do in life.

I hung out in the Baltimore area a lot. My biggest memory was playing football against Morgan. That was, like, 'Forget about it,' that was a really big thing. They used to kick our butts all the time.

I didn't think I'd ever be a Michael Jackson fan. But... watching him move, watching him dance, is so encouraging for me. Because, in my mind, I can do all that stuff.

Of all the surgeries I've had, there's not much left to operate on. I am totally bionic.

God will give you no more than you can handle.

I know that one day I'm going to die. I want to accomplish as much as I can before I do.

It's love. It's two men - two strong, very virile men - finding that space in life where they can let go enough of their masculinity to feel the passion of love and respect and trust. Friendships are based on those things, and you seal it with a kiss.

I'm blessed with nice legs, but I see lots of guys with big upper bodies and pencil legs.

I'm like the Bionic Man.

It's a crazy world, so I meditate for 20 minutes. I also meditate for 20 minutes before a concert.

Working out has always been a way of life for me.

I'd rather somebody punch me in the face than drop my sax.

Money is a hazard.

When I go out before a crowd, I ask God to give me inspiration to be the light.