I dearly remember the old days... Fleetwood Mac had this one-of-a-kind charm. They were gregarious, charming and cheeky onstage. Very cheeky. They'd have a good time.

My ears are really good. I'm a good listener.

I had the feeling every time I was on a plane everyone was going to die. It was a horrible phobia. A stupid one.

If the right guy pops the question, I'll say yes.

I wouldn't like to grow old alone.

I tend to go for these half-little-boy characters.

I tend to like the traditional sound: three-part harmonies, guitar, and piano. I mean, a well-played guitar is a joy forever... or something.

I write about unrequited love in a very optimistic way.

I don't know what it is really... I think I'm just good with hooks.

I didn't open a restaurant, but I did go to a few cooking schools. It was too much like hard work!

The 2018 tour is supposed to be a farewell tour. But you take farewell tours one at a time.

We've always connected musically in Fleetwood Mac because we're the only people who play more than one note. I'm not the best pianist, but I know how to interlace around what Lindsey's playing.

I want to go out and do things... not just stick around having room service for two days.

I don't think talent or the gift ever goes away.

I did make a solo album in my house when I was there. And because I was just afraid of flying, I wouldn't promote it, and I wouldn't tour. Actually, it wasn't a very good album anyway - it got buried underneath the pits of Hell, I suppose.

I have always needed other musicians to bounce off.

Music left my life for a while, to be honest. It wasn't that I didn't like it, but you know, I'm not really a solo player.

There are so many songs that have become massive hits merely because the video is great, while the song is pretty rubbish. From that point of view, I think I've always preferred to listen to a song rather than look at it.

To some extent, I've always felt that the music should be the thing that creates the emotion in you, rather than a video.

'Hold Me' was a nightmare! It was the middle of the desert in Palm Springs, in the height of summer. I don't know what possessed us to do that. But we sometimes do crazy things.

My writing ability all stems from the blues.

The rock n' roll lifestyle did have its perks, but it wasn't all limos and parties in the early days.

I like being with the band, the whole idea of playing music with them.

I suffered from some delusion that I wanted to be an English country girl, a Sloane Ranger donning the old Hunter boots and Barbour jacket to slosh around in mud with the Range Rover.