I've always been the one who is more enthusiastic about Christmas than my family. I regress to a child state, chanting carols.

Because I'm experimenting so much with gender-bending and listening to everything that happens to me in terms of genderless energies, I have a hard time finding partners that can match me.

I'm kind of resistant to being told no, not being wanted. It fills me with energy.

My whole life is queer.

I love trying to match a really hard expectation.

Festivals are happy places, and you don't really want to enjoy them on your own.

I love sensual women like Beyonce who are very empowering and sexy at the same time, but if it's not what you want to do then you have to say no.

Every masculine hero narrative I could find I wanted to steal for myself and twist to my size.

I remember growing up and feeling all the time not pretty enough, too rude, too loud, taking too much space because precisely I wanted to maybe be bossy and loud and unapologetic and not really smooth all the time, and those were not really qualities that were valued for me.

I've always really been interested in observing people's postures, the way they speak with their hands, the way they communicate things with their body language.

I always wanted to be Romeo, not Juliet. Romeo is a much cooler way to be - Juliet's just up in a balcony, waiting.

Gendered performance is just constant theater.

I remember writing '5 Dollars' out of intense listening sessions of Bruce Springsteen. I don't know if it's obvious, but I was obsessed with how limpid Bruce Springsteen's melodies are: It's such a great way to do storytelling and to still be melodic and catchy.

For me, the male gaze is oppressive. And I hope if we are building a female gaze that it's inclusive, and it's about pure desire and not how I want people to look in order for them to be desired by me.

It's always odd to me when people say, 'Where does Heloise finish and Chris start?' It's the same thing. I'm just putting a theatrical form to my expression.

I know that a song is working when I can properly dance on it.

For me, everything is a performance.

I love people who go on stage and blossom like a weird flower.

Dancing, for me, is like a second language. It's the best way for me to get out of my shell and be expressive in a very personal way.

My words are my sword.

The way I dress definitely helps me embody and actually change my way of behaving and feel more confident.

For some people, it's impossible to escape binaries.

I don't remember my 20s as a good place.

Queer is about intense questioning that can't be made nice and glossy.