I feel like if you don't put too much expectations and too much high hopes into things, everything will fall into place.

The most vulnerable people have tough exteriors because they are very scared inside, and it's very hard for people like that - people like me - to open up. But playing it safe means you stop being open to learning. I always try to find the challenges.

Target is one of the best at really listening to the artist and understanding what they are about.

A lot of people are afraid to face themselves, especially when something goes wrong. But that's important, because if something happens within a relationship, it could be how you're allowing someone else to treat you.

That's why I wrote 'Fighter'. I have that need in me to help people. I am all about the underdog.

I still have my eyes on the prize: I want to be that old lady onstage shaking her hips and singing her greatest hits.

I've never watched an entire episode of 'American Idol'. It's too mean.

I'm a big micro manager; I'm a stickler about organisation; everything needs a place, a purpose, and micro managing myself even when I'm in the studio.

I don't weigh myself - it's all about how I feel in my clothes.

I've been through my highs, I've been through my lows; I've been through the gamut of all things in this business. Being too thin. Being bigger. I've been criticized for being on both sides of the scale. It's noise I block out automatically. I love my body.

There was no way in hell I was going to jeopardize my baby for my show.

I have more than one side of me that likes to get out on a stage and sing.

I'm not being like, 'Hey, everybody, I'm pregnant!' I'm not that girl.

I love color - I'm not a beige kind of girl.

It's important to take time for your spouse and nurture the relationship.

I'm at peace.

I didn't want to do something that was easy for me.

The road is a lot of work.

My fans do deserve to see me back out on the road.

It's been a joy to be a part of other people's journey, to be able to inspire and be a part of new singers coming up in this business.

The blind audition process can be nerve-wracking.

I have six-year-old fans that weren't even around for 'Genie in a Bottle' or even 'Fighter.'

I embraced being a pop artist, but I like doing it on my own terms, at my own pace.

I like to be as free as possible at all times.