Music and physical activity goes hand in hand. Music and basketball, man.

It took me a while to like Wu-Tang's style.

'Dragon's Lair' was real ill.

Hip-hop basically controls the world through fashion, through music, through language, through culture. It's basically running the world, no matter what anyone wants to think, and that's just the way it is.

In the beginning, we might have been focused on totally just music and being famous, just wanting to have fame and make hot music, but as we got older, we had to understand that this is a business and that our moves need to be calculated.

That's probably the key to our success and our longevity, sticking to our formula and what we do best, the hardcore Mobb Deep sound, rather than chasing trains. But we're always experimenting with the art and the creativity of hip-hop.

I just love his creativity; that's what I'm talking about as far as being unique and creative and different. Kanye is doing it.

I've always been a champion of love.

I remember at school one day there was a vocabulary list on the chalkboard, and the word 'nonconformist' was on there, and it said, 'Someone that doesn't appeal to society, someone who doesn't fit in.' We had this whole conversation about it, and I realized it cohered to the punk-rock world that I was into.

My parents were artists, bohemian, hanging out a lot.

I am really connected to my astral body. Thats why I think the study of chakras and auras are so important.

I meditate and pray multiple times a week to guide myself with divine clarity.

With every resurgence or generational turning, fashion and music becomes reiterated.

Alternative culture has always had a populace within the black and brown community.

I bike around New York City for hours and write about everything I love, think about, or see. I also ride back and forth on the subway - that's where I get my best writing done.

I've been investing in and funding myself since day one.

There are many types of education: formal education, street education, personal education, experiential education, and I've found that I've had different partners who have a lot of wonderful intellect and education from all different types of sources.

I prefer my partner to have profound, deep intellect, a profound education, but where their education comes from is no preference of my own.

All the greatest comedians use comedy and humor to release pain and sadness, and I think that instead of wanting to live within my pain, or live within my sadness, I try to be funny and look at things with a funny view.

My experience is that white kids love hip-hop, and brown and black kids love rock music. That shows that brown kids - they carry emotion, they carry pain, they carry oppression and strife.

I think that sharing experiences with a person is very valuable, because it allows you to have a bond to become closer.

I've got a lot of male energy.

The world is going to come to a place where we're all being spied on and nothing is private.

I've written all of my songs, I directed all my videos. Every part of what I've done for music, from the visuals to the business, I did it. And I'm really proud of that.