You should respect the people you are around.

I get on with people. I don't hang out with people who aren't nice. It's like, be real or go home.

My voice is different, but I don't think I'm the only one with a different take on pop music.

I think the process of 'I Love It' becoming such a big song opened my eyes to sides of the industry that I'd never been aware of, which I wasn't so into.

All my favourite pop songs are the most stupid ones, the ones that are the most obvious.

I always love wearing Vivienne Westwood. Her dresses just seem to fit me perfectly, and she makes dresses for girls with curves - I love that.

Fashion is instant. It makes you feel something the second you see it on a body... whether you love it or hate it, or it offends you, or it makes you laugh or cry.

In the '90s, there was always this continuous pitting of women against each other in the media, trying to make them battle it out.

From the moment I stepped into this industry, I've always had to fight for my ideas and for my voice to be heard.

I think it's cool to be a rock star; I don't think there are many. There aren't many who speak out and take risks. And I think that's important.

The scenes in 'The Virgin Suicides' where Elle Fanning is ice skating are really amazing.

I love In-N-Out!

I'm a really big Rihanna fan, and I think she's such an incredible artist.

I think big brows are pretty cool.

When I was younger, I was quite scared of a red lip. But I started listening to '60s French ye-ye pop when I was making 'Sucker.' I was looking at Brigitte Bardot and those kinds of girls. When they were dressed up, it was often a bold red lip.

Just be funny. Funny always goes over well, so try to think of something funny to break the ice rather than being weird or using pickup lines.

There are some signs that can indicate she might be interested. Woman might do subconscious things like play with their hair or orient their body towards your direction.

I think that U.K. audiences, in general, are very closed off. Very judgmental.

I'm lucky I have really cool parents.

On my first album, I felt like, if it was going to be turned into a movie, it would have been directed by Sofia Coppola. She creates this kind of pastel-colored palette that's very whimsical but also very stagnant. And that's really how I heard the record.

I still maintain the fact that when I write songs, I don't know what I'm doing. I don't think about it pragmatically. I say what's in my brain, and sometimes it's great, and sometimes it's terrible.

My dream collaboration would be with someone like Bjork, Kate Bush, or even Dionne Warwick.

When I got signed, I had just turned 16. I felt like I had to continuously have these confrontations with older men who were doubting my ideas because I was a woman, because I was 16.

When I was younger, I was a rave kid trapped inside a singer/songwriter's body. But I kind of figured my way out because I started making these really terrible beats on this Yamaha keyboard that my parents got me for my 10th birthday.