Seeing Jay Z's just a great example of somebody who comes from a ghetto to rise to where he's at. I think... he done a great job.

It's hard to find good business partners and people who do good business the right way.

When you constantly working, working, you don't really get to appreciate the fans and people loving your stuff.

You got people that come in, one album, two albums, and they're gone. A lot of people couldn't take the break I took and come back into the game, and people be checking for them.

It doesn't matter where I'm at - if I'm somewhere sitting still for more than an hour, rhymes start popping in my head... It's just kinda instilled in me.

I'm looking into making toilet paper. It's not an option unless you a bum and gotta use newspaper. It's not an option. Like, it's an option if you wanna drive a car. It's an option if you wanna use a straw. It's an option if you wanna wear a pair of Nikes or Reeboks.

I work with any producer that brings me a hot beat, but you don't always know if it's a sample.

You always gotta take advantage when you can spend time with your kids.

I love having my son in my life. That's why it's more fathers in the hip-hop community, because they probably went through a fatherless childhood like I did.

I don't care if I am doing music: my son comes with me every weekend. If I'm on the West Coast, he'll come fly and be with me. If I'm on the East Coast, I get my son every weekend. It doesn't matter where I'm at - show, no show, whatever. Break or no break. I have my son every summer and every weekend while he's in school.

I listen to 'Purple Haze' a lot. If I'm in the gym, I listen to that album the whole way through sometimes.

Certain songs bring me back to certain places I've been in my life. So definitely, I listen to my stuff.

I'm a caterer, interior decorator - a lot of hobbies people don't know I do.

To be honest, sometimes I get in my shell, and I don't want to do stuff, and sometimes I'm real active.

I've never started beef with anybody that didn't start with me first.

If somebody says or does something to me first, then I'll respond, and I go overboard with it, and it seems like I'm the one that has beef with somebody.

Maybe I beef with people, but it was never random. Anybody you name, I could give you the reason why it happened or whatever led to the beef.

I'm Mr. Romance.

You want to stay grounded, but you need to keep the music growing.

Music is always gonna change; it's just a matter of keeping up with the times.

Basically, I want to prove to everybody that I can write music - good music.

I roll with the punches.

I won't just give up anything to anybody because they're waving a gun around.

Me and 50 had a conversation. We good.