I like building houses, working as a carpenter, painting. You work with your hands to the best of your ability, and at the end of the day, you go home with some satisfaction: 'I built that!'

The first time I heard 'White Man in Hammersmith Palais,' I loved the vulnerability in the music and the lyrics.

I'm a pretty private person.

Shoes are everything. You can tell more about a man from his shoes than his handshake, because they tell where you're going.

Everybody told us we would never make it. Even friends would say to me, 'Okay this band thing is cool, but seriously, what are you really going to do?' I can't think of anyone who believed in us, and that was fuel for the fire, because the more anybody said I wouldn't do it, the more I was like, 'No, I'm going to do it.'

I grew up in the next town over from Asbury Park and five streets from E Street. My mother fed me 'Born To Run' with my Cheerios.

Springsteen is a hero to a lot of people in New Jersey. He's a role model - because he's a local guy who got out.

Every time I look at the Eiffel Tower, it completely blows my mind.

I went to the Louvre in Paris, and I saw all the paintings and the Mona Lisa. You don't really see something like that every day. I was looking at it, and everything else in the room just shut out. Like, Leonardo Da Vinci painted this thing - this is unreal that he touched that. It had this crazy effect on me.

Sometimes I get the bug to live in London for a year, or something like that, and maybe I will. But New Jersey's home.

It's a beautiful thing, to start over.

I don't really hate a lot of songs, but I think Weezer has put out some songs I really hate because they've also put out a lot of songs I really like.

You pay your bills and you take care of your family, or you're not a man.

I don't want to be the mayor of New Jersey.

When you're a musician, a lot of time people help you out; they take pity on you. Family members will kind of come around and are like, 'Listen, I bought you a bunch of groceries because I know that you're a screwup.'

I've always said it's easier for bands to make a hard stance - like, we don't do commercials or whatever, blah blah blah - when you've sold billions of records. It's super-easy to be righteous when you're rich.

We want to be big... we want to be a big band, but we don't want to be your best friends.

I'm not really into the numbers game of, like, what position our record is. But you find out at the end, you know? You're like 'Oh, all right! That's good!' We had a Number Three record. That's crazy! What's that about? That's exciting to me! I think that's good.

You can't shape it. You can't change it. Your life is what it is.

I'm on the phone with this guy, and he says to me, 'People compare you to Bruce Springsteen. I don't think you've written a song as good as 'Dancing in the Dark' or 'I'm on Fire.'' And all I could think was, 'Me neither!'

I'm one of those people who, even if I'm invited somewhere, I still kinda feel like I'm not supposed to be there.

I don't have a 'Born to Run' in me.

I think Green Day's 'American Idiot' is probably the best comeback or mid-career record that any band has done.

At the end of the day, you can't reinvent yourself past a point, because you are you, and there are things that are inherently you that are always going to be there.