I always want to keep challenging myself to do something that I don't even have the foresight to know what it's going to be.

When you can't put your finger on it, that's the most exciting stuff.

On the first album, we were trying to do a pop-punk album with a classical influence. We'd say 'pop-punk,' and people would say, 'No, you're like burlesque-cabaret-punk,' or, 'It's baroque-pop,' and we were like, 'That sounds way cooler.'

My capacity for wanting to create has never faltered. If anything, it's gained momentum.

Buffalo Wild Wings is always a good choice.

I think that a band that cannot limit themselves to one genre and can kind of do a lot of different things.

When we first moved to California from Las Vegas, we got into surfing. We figured we should do something to get in shape, but we hate working out. Surfing is definitely a work out.

I still use a lot of good values from growing up in the Church, and there was a sense of community. But you were also being heavily judged by people that wanted to look down on you for not being as great as they are.

My music library is all over the place. I've got A$AP Rocky; I've got Billy Joel. I've got, like, Celine Dion albums that I just worship. There's all kinds of different stuff.

It's so crazy to think about touring with Weezer because that's a band that I grew up with.

When I got the 'Blue Album,' I was 11 years old, 10 years old, and then I convinced my parents to go and get my first drum kit, which was, like, 600 bucks.

I learned to play drums to the 'Blue Album.'

We're all in this together. We're all sinners.

Touring is my religion. Music is all-encompassing - my religion.

I think, for me, one of the biggest things that I struggle with is keeping the excitement up when writing a song. A lot of times, I'll get pretty frustrated early on.

There are bands like Imagine Dragon, Grouplove, and fun. who have come along and shifted the way that rock can sound.

I love Frank Sinatra. He is one of my biggest all-time idols.

It's just really cool to go to countries and play festivals for people who don't really know your band or don't ever get to see it. It's really nice.

Our fans are definitely dedicated. We see them at all the shows, just faces that we've recognized for years. They keep coming back, and it's awesome.

I've just gotten better at partying. I haven't stopped or slowed down by any means. If anything, it's increased. But if anything, it's just more fun now.

I thought that the older I got, that partying would change - and it has - in the way that now I know how to party.

I always miss New York when I leave it.

People who stand in the way of where people are walking - I hate that.

There's so much music from Led Zeppelin that I think I overlooked when I was a kid because I didn't understand it, so now to revisit it at an older age, I have a deeper appreciation for it.