I went around driving myself to gigs everywhere, and eventually, people just kept coming back.

I've surfed on Lake Michigan.

I met Xavier Rudd at a surf festival in England.

I like slightly obscure places, where the waves may not be world class, but you can tie some culture in with your surf trip.

The U.K. is pretty good at being environmentally conscious.

Surfing and music have always been two separate sides of my life. I'm quite a fun-loving person most of the time, but I feel like I always get the serious side out when I'm playing music, and then I have fun the rest of the time when I get in the sea.

I never understood how one could write a whole book: It is so technically challenging, and it's incredible the way writers put entire worlds inside of them on such a large scale. I tend to have that same feeling when I listen to music - it daunts me and makes me feel quite unsettled listening to so much talent and ambition.

I think there are definitely positives when you go back to the familiar, because it's something you don't have to think about when you know the place. But sometimes on the other hand, it can be quite unchallenging.

That's the biggest thing we're excited about: to be in America and have shows sell out is an incredible thing.

I think it's important to find your own voice in your own space.

I have problems with guitars, I hammer away at it sometimes and I also do little intimate picks, I'm always looking at new guitars and little extra tweaks and stuff, I like to mix it up a bit.

I got thrust a guitar by my mum as a little kid and always played it. I sort of fell in and out of love with it, there were times when I hated it when I was ten and was forced to go to lessons.

I think the most frustrating thing is when people... sometimes people are a bit lazy and they don't listen to something, and they'll just say you sound like something else and it's quite clear that you don't, I think that's frustrating.

I'm not very good at dancing.

I'm not very good at speeches.

Women and their impact, good and bad. It makes men write songs. I write about relationships, basically.

I've always thought I crossed this really weird gap between the pop world and some slightly more left-field singer-songwriter music, but everyone's always comparing me with Ed Sheeran. It's frustrating.

As a singer-songwriter I definitely think I push the mould a lot.

I'm not like a total recluse who lives in the woods or anything.

A live show is a room full of sound and people and now you have technology where people can film it and take it away and all that is lost afterwards but they have a souvenir.

I'm not prolific, I go over stuff and it goes for me and sometimes against me. I'm annoyed that I don't do enough stuff off-the-cuff. It's a difficult thing to do something quickly and stand behind it.

There was no grand scheme, no big push, there are things I would have done differently now but you make decisions on the hop and it takes you where you are.

We played a lot of live shows, we just kept plugging away and playing music and people kept coming back.

I've been going to Ibiza all my life really, since I was a kid.