My main focus when I do my makeup is my eyes - I accentuate my eyes, and they look bigger. More 'va va voom,' I guess you can say.

My family are my friends.

Coffee is my water now.

I never lie to my fans.

I don't know if it's because I'm Latina or something, but I have no problem speaking my mind.

Sometimes you do get caught up in the midst of becoming... a product, a brand, and not having a say in any of that.

My parents are so cool, so chill, super hip. They know what's up.

I'm like, 'Yeah, I could afford braces, but why should I change myself to be what everybody else wants me to be when I'm OK with who I am and I'm happy with who I am?'

I always tell people, 'Coming from such a big Mexican family when there's a new baby every three weeks, you have to do something to get someone's attention.'

My parents are high school sweethearts.

I really have a passion for food. Of course, music, but behind that, it's food.

I'm such a big TLC fan, so I love singing 'Waterfalls' in the shower.

My only way of getting my uncles' attention or aunts' attention or whoever's attention was by dancing and singing around the house.

I wrote 'Oath' for Cher Lloyd because there were really no best-friend anthems out there. Not only did she love it, she wanted me to rap on it, too!

I wrote 'Wish U Were Here' for Cody Simpson, and he invited me to perform with him on tour and be in his music video. He was shy at first. I think it's the surfer boy in him that makes him so mellow.

When I was 11, I decided to start rapping, playing guitar, and writing songs. Everything really blossomed from there.

When I was nine years old, my family lost our home, and the six of us moved into my grandparents' converted garage.

I love big summer dresses, and it sucks because I'm such a little person, so I always have to be very specific about which ones I put on.

My personal style reflects my music. My music and how I dress is just how I express myself; it's just me. My music is urban pop, and my style of dressing is urban but still girly. I like that combination. The contrast is very nice.

I feel like a little beast when I'm onstage, and I feel like my fans have that little beast inside of them, too: this hunger for life.

I just want to stay creative, share my ideas and see where it all leads.

Even though I know who I am, musically I'm a blank canvas. I know what colors I want to use, but I don't know what picture I want to paint yet.

I figured, 'Why not go into entertainment?' I love entertaining people. I always loved being extra loud.

I want a guy who's going to be accepting of - one, my big 'ol, loud Mexican family - and also my career, because it's a lot. I don't want someone who's like... 'Oh, you don't have time for me'. Like, I want somebody who's sure of himself and gonna be like, 'Okay, you go do your thing, and when you come back, we're good.'