There are definitely a lot of creative people I want to work with. I wanna work with Drake!

My music is inspired by my life: the people in my life, the people I have relationships with, the people I love, the people that make me feel something.

I get so many questions in interviews about feminism, and I think the second you start separating femininity and masculinity and giving one more power than the other, that's like - everyone is a person.

Making music is an emotional thing. And when you're on a video shoot with 50 people there, you have to somehow, in a non-emotional way, say what you want and not feel guilty for it. And that takes growing up and that takes... not caring how people perceive you as much. And it just takes experience, I think.

I feel more comfortable being confrontational and authoritative. It's important for women in this business.

I make really good pasta sauce. The secret to getting it right is just patience and love.

I like rap. I like anything with soul. I like anything you can feel, anything that makes you think that the artist had to make that song, or they were going to go crazy.

I don't think of anyone as a 'groupie.' People who connect with my music are just inspiring and amazing.

People think I'm going to be this really dark human when they meet me.

My parents are divorced, and seeing that was really painful for me. Really painful for me. But that's also a big part of why I'm intrigued by the dynamics between people - because I was close to something that fell apart.

A lot of times, people are ashamed of feeling weak and being rejected - so it's liberating to be able to sing about those things. And it's amazing when other people don't feel alone because they hear it.

It's funny because everyone says, 'Oh you're reclusive; you don't do social media,' but it's not about being reclusive. I like direct contact, and I like contact that's purposeful.

Nothing I do is thought out or planned or premeditated. It's just that I'm breathing and living! You just have to breathe and live.

Me in my music and onstage - that's me without any fears of judgement; that's me when I'm shining.

If you meet me, you might not get to know me. If you hear my music? You'll get to know me.

I never judge my own songwriting. It's just my heart. What's there to judge about your own heart?

When I'm in show mode, I can't even think about putting on makeup; I just have to be centered.

I have freckles; I don't like covering up too much. I like things dewy and natural, and I think that having moisture in your skin is really beautiful and youthful - sometimes that's more important than coverage.

I always say my music is like dark blue or black, like a punch to your gut that feels really good.

I'm from L.A., but everyone thinks that I'm British.

Sometimes I see through things when people are talking. I'm really sensitive to other people, so I can tell if somebody's putting on a front.

I got a psychology degree from USC, but music is just my whole life.

It's that beautiful thing to love your weaknesses, your insecurities, and then put them all on blast. That's why I started writing, and that's why it was so hard to do it in public.

Human emotion is more interesting than anything. Everything that is so overtly sexual is not real. Real emotion is sexy. It's vulnerable and raw.