I've been doing a lot of different cross-training and kickboxing and Capoeira and kite surfing, and I've just really been back to what I consider my original athletic self.

I was left to painstakingly deal with the aftermath of my avoidance later in life, in therapy or through the lyrics of my songs.

When I was younger, I was terrified to express anger because it would often kick-start a horrible reaction in the men in my life. So I bit my tongue. I was left to painstakingly deal with the aftermath of my avoidance later in life, in therapy or through the lyrics of my songs.

My own approach has always been to push intense emotions down and attempt to deal with them later.

Infidelity is a deal breaker for me. I've broken up with people over it. You can't do monogamy 90 percent of the time.

My three addictions of choice are food, love and work.

Long hair is a security blanket for me. I cut it short a few years ago and I really never want to do that again. When I do cut it, I cut it myself.

I thought the more famous I became, the more friendships I would have, but the opposite was true.

My greatest environments in which I can grow, or grow up, is in personal romantic relationships with a man.

There were a lot of people who were a little afraid of the rage or blaming stance I was taking, and find what I am doing now more refreshing.

The people that were invested in me staying the same way after a decade will most likely by default have to be disappointed.

Courage and willingness to just go for it, whether it is a conversation or a spontaneous trip or trying new things that are scary - it is a really attractive quality.

I think it's child abuse to have someone in the public eye too young. Society basically values wealth and fame and power at the cost of well-being. In the case of a child, it's at the cost of someone's natural development. It's already hard enough to develop.

My brother says that I was writing songs about fate while he was off playing soccer. Now I tell him he's 33 and being a professional while I'm playing soccer with my friends. Ha!

I live with some of my best friends from high school, very commune-like, in my house. It's my hippie way of life.

I get angry at myself for staying in relationships way too long.

I was taught from a young age that I had to serve, so that turned into me thinking I had to save the planet.

The ego is a fascinating monster.

Europe seems a little softer, but in America it's harsh. In L.A., where I live, it's all about perfectionism.

Beauty is now defined by your bones sticking out of your decolletage. For that to be the standard is really perilous for women.

America's a very traumatized society.

I didn't want to be one of those women who wake up at 63 years old and realize they've missed the window of opportunity for marriage and children.

I was always such a people-watcher. I would sit on street corners alone and watch people and make up stories about them in my head. Then, all of a sudden, I was the one being watched.

I think some people think I'm a smarty-pants. Some people think I'm intense, some people think I'm super-esoteric and nuts.