If a song or group hits you at the right time in your life, it's everything. It's bigger than school or family or anything else.

Finding something new that I know I've never done before is the best feeling I know, and when I get there it's all worth it.

Sometimes comfort zones are the best. Sometimes discomfort is just what the doctor ordered.

I believe giving pets 'people food,' while tempting, is generally frowned upon. As a pet owner you want to prioritize your animal's health over the entertainment value in watching your little guy bat around a small piece of chicken.

I would say the best toy for any cat is always some sort of dangling item on a string or fishing-rod-type structure.

Most artists - painters or writers - I think create out of stress or negative situations. Look at rock music. It's about getting things off of your chest, and it's a means of venting in many ways. That's what my work is about.

I know so many people that were really able to lead 'perfect' lives. They meet the right person, they make the babies, they get the jobs, they get the house and it's essentially a smooth ride. That really didn't happen for me.

I think in your 30s you can still pretend you're in your 20s, or at least maintain some semblance of youth. Forty is when you've got to stop denying the inevitable.

I'd love it if one of my songs became a hit.

I've traveled a lot, I've rapped a lot. I like to think that's all in the toolbox to be tapped into when I need it.

I don't claim to be a composer, and I realize my approach is pretty dopey in comparison to the true masters of score work. That said, if someone thinks what I do specifically would work for their film, then, of course, let's see what we can do.

Doing something like 'Bushwick,' a lot of people need to agree that the piece is working with what's going on on the screen. So it's a lot of tweaks and re-works, just kinda moving pieces around and getting things to hit right.

Artwork, films, TV - it's always informed my work, no matter what I'm working on.

Musicians are all about celebrity first and foremost, and I just can't do it. The second any sort of popularity contest comes into the picture, I have to walk in the other direction. These people are sociopaths.

The people I feel inspired around draw pictures, they make paintings.

I am a failed visual artist.

The only way I'm comfortable with a new album is if I'm taking a new risk.

I got tired of everybody repeating the same phrases in the hip-hop world.

Mark my words, even if I sell out a club of 15,000 with all girls, I'm not taking my shirt off. I'm sorry. I know y'all are waiting to see the pasty stomach and everything.

I don't want to be the next face of America.

Rap music started because they were bored of other music so they created something really new.

I don't really engage much in the creative community. I just kind of keep to myself and do my work.

You have to write about what's inside you. If I have to get something out, I'll do it.

My brothers each reacted differently to 'Blood Sandwich.' It's a very specific type of odd feeling when there's a song written about you. People react to it differently.