I've never actually learnt scales. I should someday.

I'm a good man.

When you split up with someone, someone that you're seriously in love with, it takes a lot of time before you even realise that you're upset. You know? It just hits you.

Amy Winehouse asked me a while ago if I had written any new songs. I played her something, and when I had finished, she looked at me and said, 'Is that it? Is that all you've got?'

When I say I'm going to do something, I do it.

Humanity's always been weird at heart. Look at how societies form, rituals, practices, even rock n' roll. Humanity really is dark and twisted.

I'm not an activist. I'm a fantasist.

Liverpool and London are two places I looked upon as home.

I hate seeing myself misquoted.

Babyshambles were offered some money to have a comeback. Good band, they were - amazing tunes.

I feel a lot better when I've got a bit of cash on me.

My sound is just vintage Vox AC30s and Marshalls... Matchless amps are cool as well.

I hate to say it - it breaks my heart - but we're a tacky, money-obsessed culture.

I never went to school in England until I was 12.

To meet my little girl for the first time was a humbling experience. She's got my eyes and a smile that just melts my heart.

Drugs are a very selfish thing.

My older sister, Amy Jo, and I - we are the first generation of my family to stay on at school and do any exams at all.

In the early days of the Libertines, we used to put on Arcadian cabaret nights. There'd be some girl climbing out of an egg; we'd try and get a couple of mates to tell a few jokes, performance poets, and then we'd play in the middle of it all. More people were on stage than in the crowd.

Being skint, drunk, paranoid - no, I don't wish that for myself.

I quite like 50 Cent.

I'm a dreamer. That often helps me, no matter how crappy things become.

The rush that you get from having a good night's sleep is so exotic: to feel powerful and clean, capable and potent, as opposed to washed up, impotent and mute.

'Gunga Gin' is a true Libertines amalgamation, in the proper, old-fashioned sense of the word.

It's funny, but I always feel really safe on the streets of London. It's the most inspiring place to be in the world.