Soon as I could play one guitar chord and laid my ear upon that wood, I was gone. My soul was sold. Music was everything from then on.

Soon as I could play one guitar chord and laid my ear upon that wood, I was gone. My soul was sold. Music was everything from then on.

My music has been called so many different things over the years. I figure as long as it's selling, call it what you want.

My music has been called so many different things over the years. I figure as long as it's selling, call it what you want.

The only time I ever think about getting old is when I look in the mirror. I feel pretty good about it, actually.

The only time I ever think about getting old is when I look in the mirror. I feel pretty good about it, actually.

'The Ways of a Woman in Love' is one of my very favorite early Johnny Cash songs. I like the way the lyric talks about the character walking by the girl's house and wishing he was the one in her arms.

'The Ways of a Woman in Love' is one of my very favorite early Johnny Cash songs. I like the way the lyric talks about the character walking by the girl's house and wishing he was the one in her arms.

People thought we were crazy for starting a record company. They really thought I was shooting myself in the foot.

People thought we were crazy for starting a record company. They really thought I was shooting myself in the foot.

To tell you the truth, the nomination for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame totally surprised me. I had no idea that was coming. I know a lot of people like to say it's enough just to be nominated. But I've been nominated for so many things, I'd like to get this one. I think it's a long shot, considering I never had a No. 1 rock n' roll record.

To tell you the truth, the nomination for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame totally surprised me. I had no idea that was coming. I know a lot of people like to say it's enough just to be nominated. But I've been nominated for so many things, I'd like to get this one. I think it's a long shot, considering I never had a No. 1 rock n' roll record.

My first Grammy nomination? I was 24 - I was nominated for best new artist of the year.

My first Grammy nomination? I was 24 - I was nominated for best new artist of the year.

I'd rather get a hot dog or a doughnut than write a song.

I'd rather get a hot dog or a doughnut than write a song.

After a couple bouts with cancer and everything, black cats are nothin', you know?

After a couple bouts with cancer and everything, black cats are nothin', you know?

When you're singing somebody else's songs, it's just pure joy to me.

When you're singing somebody else's songs, it's just pure joy to me.

Never wear your necktie while you're operating a lathe.

Never wear your necktie while you're operating a lathe.

The best way to write a song is to think of something else and then the song kind of creeps in.

The best way to write a song is to think of something else and then the song kind of creeps in.