"Even today, skiffle is a defining part of my music. If I get the opportunity to just have a jam, skiffle is what I love to play."

"As a developing musician, skiffle became a platform for me to start playing music."

"I don't feel comfortable doing interviews. My profession is music, and writing songs. That's what I do. I like to do it, but I hate to talk about it."

"My thinking musically has always been more advanced - it is difficult to get it down onto paper sometimes, even now."

"I am about the arrangements and the layers of depth in the music."

"When you sample something, you're using the crutch of borrowing chords and melodies from a song that's already great, that's already stood the test of time, that's already special. When you're trying to do it all from scratch, you're writing something brand new that has to stand on its own."

"I always thought that one day I would be somebody. I would be successful in music, and I would have fans that cared about my music. At the same time, I really feel like an ordinary guy; I have been an ordinary guy forever."

"I think it's natural for a creative to be sensitive. If I'm in the studio and I write something, I think it's the greatest thing in the world; it's like my baby. I just made something out of thin air that exists now in a tangible form. It's the biggest thrill in my life."

"You have this ability in hip hop to be invincibly cool, and that is a part of G-Eazy."

"I'm not on the radio all day long. I'm not on TV."

"You have an entire generation of kids who grew up with the idea that music is something that you can download for free."

"When I started making music, I was so heavy into the hyphy movement. That's something you only know so much about if you were right there living in it, submerged in the culture."

"I didn't grow up around all white people; I never wanted to gentrify hip-hop, I've never wanted to speak to an all-white audience."

"When I first decided I wanted to make beats and write songs and stuff like that, it wasn't like I sat down and the first thing I wrote was even halfway legit. It took a while to find my way through it."

"In the past, my process would start with a sample of another song, and I'd chop it up and use that as the basis of the song that I was making."

"I see myself as a hip-hop artist, but I never wanted to make music for a specifically white audience. That's not what I grew up around."

"I had a job since I was old enough to work - since I was, like, 14."

"My mom was a single parent."

"When you're around somebody like E-40, all you can do is watch and learn, and soak up game."

"I was fortunate to have teachers that were flexible with allowing me to miss more class than I was supposed to be able to, for the sake of being able to tour."

"My whole career has been from scratch, so I never took it for granted that people care and support what I do."

"It was inspiring to see local legends like E-40 and Keak da Sneak break out with 'Tell Me When to Go.'"

"I think if you're constantly reinvesting into your content and giving the fans stuff, then you can continue to tour. You can continue to sell the merch and monetize the popularity of the brand."

"I've gone on in front of a crowd of 10 people and 7,000 people."