If I'm watching my favorite boxer, and he's just won the heavyweight championship of the world, and he retires, it kind of makes the guy a legend.

I remember Iggy and the Stooges' song 'Search and Destroy' reaching out from my speakers to me like my own personal anthem.

I love those Keith Richards solo records, but it's not the Rolling Stones.

If you leave me in a room long enough, I'll redecorate the room.

If you actually dissect the lyrics in 'Motley Crue', you'll notice that there's a lot going on beneath the surface.

As a lyricist, I'm really trying to raise my level of quality.

I think - I honestly think that my story is not 100 percent that unique. I think that I'm - just the whole rock star part kind of throws an interesting twist on it.

How lucky can one guy get? I was a runaway, and then I was in one of the biggest bands in the world. I've sold out every arena. I've sold millions and millions of records.

The industry needs to be run by artists, because we are the only people that care about art.

Radio stations play what they believe is in, and they all talk to each other.

Politicians really worry about being politically correct.

My studio, nicknamed 'Funny Farm,' is in a hidden location. It's very private. Not only do I create my photography there, but it is also where I write my books and create music.

You can't lie to your audience. You can't lie to your fans.

In '85, I went through rehab and I wasn't ready. If you're not ready, you're not ready. You don't want to hear the truth, and you're gonna keep doing what you keep doing.

Growing up in the '70s, it was only a few years before that when men started to grow their hair long. And in the '70s, people were pushing the envelope a little farther, with men having even more style and piercing both their ears and wearing makeup.

Some kid gets his first iPhone, signs up to Twitter, and then tweets, 'Nikki Sixx sucks.' And I'm supposed to take that personally.

I do believe that when I'm writing music, I get addicted to the music of the concept of what the outcome of the song is, or the passion behind the lyrics.

Like all artists, I go through creative spurts.

I don't want to jump through hoops for people.

I sport a cave-man mentality.

I think anything that's creative really takes my mind off whatever it is that I'm going through in my life. If you're going through heartbreak, and you can write a song, it's a wonderful win-win, because it takes your mind off the heartbreak, and you get to vent.

I know I'd feel emotional if one of my favorite bands was going out.

Rock n' roll is dirty, and it's bad, and it's either clever or it's not clever.

The thing is that I've known the guys from Motley Crue longer than just about everybody.