Shaving your head is acceptable. It's when you start wearing toupees and brushing your hair over that things go wrong.

We do all, myself included, we tend to hold ourselves to pretty low standards. But when it comes to judging public figures or politicians or people we've never met, we tend to hold people to very high standards, and, if we held ourselves to those standards, we'd always fall short.

I live in New York and I love hanging out in gay clubs, and a lot of my friends are gay. But, for better or for worse, I'm not gay.

I buy things with the best of intention of living in them and then life intercedes.

I don't have children, but I imagine if parents are really pushed on the subject, they probably have favorite children.

Punishing people for listening to music is exactly the wrong way to protect the music business.

I find myself for whatever reason unable to live in the apartment I renovate and have to sell.

As people continue to do more and buy more over the Internet, continue to meet people over the Internet, connection speeds are going to get faster, and the Internet is just going to become an even more integral part of people's lives.

I'd much rather go to a Banksy art show than a Moby art show. My art is painfully naive.

You could spend every waking moment online and still only experience one-trillionth of what's out there. I find that a little overwhelming.

But on a utilitarian level, I realize that to try to accomplish the greatest good for the greatest number of people, sometimes we have to become salesmen for what we believe, and part of being a salesman is being effective.

I was never encouraged to believe anything. I was brought up in a profoundly agnostic or pantheistic community.

Traffic terrifies me.

It's a very strange phenomenon being hated by people you've never met. Some journalists just seem to hate me and everything I do, and it's disconcerting because I've never met this person.

I thought that my life would be spent working in a bookstore, teaching community college, and making music in my spare time that no one would be willing to listen to.

A part of me wants to sort of try and sound cool and feed this myth that I'm some sort of glamorous lothario, but I was raised by women - my mother and her mother and my aunts - and as a result, most of my friends have always been women.

If you make a record, you should ask yourself, 'Did it make someone cry, in a good way, not a bad way?' There should almost be subjective emotional criteria for evaluating work, instead of just profitability.

'Arbitrary' and 'odd' are the words which best describe the pattern of my career. I'm perpetually baffled by the whole thing.

I don't sleep very well when I travel. And as a result, I tend to be awake in cities when everyone else is asleep.

I feel like once the song is done, you put it out there and if people want to do bizarre remixes, if people want to make strange videos, great. You know, like chaos theory applied to the music business.

I'm a terrible cook, so I usually eat out with friends.

For me, New York still ranks as the most beautiful and the most interesting city in the world. It is also the most varied in terms of the things it has to offer.

I wish I could sing. I don't technically have a terrible voice, but it's certainly not as good as most of my friends. Whenever I hear myself on a record, it just reminds me I'm not a very good singer.

Being a vegan is pretty easy these days, as almost every town and city has health food stores and vegetarian-friendly restaurants.