What my home life is like now is great.

I got a mother who's very strong after taking the whippings that she took from my father.

You have to be ready to sing and perform at any time.

My Struggles is a record close to me. It's about what I went through at home living with an abusive father.

I'm not a person that's walkin' down the street looking mean all day.

No, because I don't want to hear what's hot and feel I have to copy it. I'll just make up my own thing.

When you turn on your radio, you don't always want to hear about someone shootin' some person. Even if that's the lifestyle they live, people don't always want to hear it.

I want people to feel the heat while they walk down the street and they're just kickin' it.

I'm not tryin' to come off as the best lyricist.

I want to make something commercial that people can pick up on.

I want to be cutting-edge.

Hip-hop is definitely not what it used to be, which was creative, original music.

I've always had a lot of creative impact on the music with Timbaland.

I most definitely want kids, but I'll probably adopt kids.

Left Eye is a a rare gem.

The double chin's not good for the red carpet.

I always have been an entertainer, whether it's been joking or performing for people. And I always thought I had a talent, because I could rap and I could sing, and I did write. And all the other kids were going to college, but I just felt like I had to do this first, and if it didn't work, then I would go to college.

I still go on YouTube and watch the old performances and the 'Soul Train' lines. I'm still amazed by how much soul and funk the music and dancers had.

My blood pressure was always up from just overworking.

I still don't want no broke dude! I'm open to offers, but he's got to be stable. I see a lot of friends who feel they have to be with a man, but they always pick the wrong one. Are there any right ones?

I can't complain. I think when you get to a certain point, you shouldn't complain because there's so many people who would kill to get to this point.

I got caught up in doing records for other artists. I just stayed behind the scenes, and time just kinda passed.

I've learnt to be happy by myself.

I used to put all my doll babies on my bed with their hands up and I would do full shows for them. I'd even do the screaming and clapping. I was bugging to be a singer.