When you're young and creative, you don't know how to channel all that creative energy, so sometimes it goes to the wrong places.

I don't actually read that much. I like movies a bit more. That's how I come up with ideas - by seeing things, hearing things, recycling things. Stealing things!

If they're acting like a dog, sometimes you're forced to treat people like dogs.

Acting is even stranger than I thought it would be.

I don't like to use toilets - ever.

I would like to do more film scoring, period. Whether it is a big film, a small film, or just anything. I feel like I have a lot to learn, and what better way to do it than on the job?

I am perfectly aware of my position in commercial music.

Having my own label, I have to look at things in a realistic, bottom-line manner.

You don't want to eat haute cuisine all the time; it's not healthy.

When you have to put on shades in the studio, you know you have to stop.

Especially with Fantomas, i'm just trying to stretch out what the band can do. Figuring out, really, on the job or on recordings, what I can or can't get away with.

I think that first and foremost, a lot of turntable artists end up using really the same sounds over and over, and they really get recycled.

If I admire someone's music, I'll walk up to 'em and tell 'em.

I'm surprised that anyone cares about what I do.

The career high would be putting out a Kids of Widney High CD on my label, Ipecac Recordings.

I saw G.G. Allin live once.

Everywhere you look, there's someone doing your thinking for you and telling you what to think and when to think of it.

When you do live abroad, you're basically searching for some kind of peace.

I had never been taken in like I was in Italy just by saying a few words. That made me feel like I had to put in the effort, and I want to be one of them.

With Faith No More, even though we're a bunch of old men, what I remember about our best shows is some sort of confrontation with the audience.

In earlier years, I was more of a clown with a big bag of tricks. I'd show up in the studio and kind of go, 'Well, what do you want? Do you want the screaming banshee or the howling owl?'

I'm not a trained musician.

I've had the new band experience plenty of times, and sometimes, it just sort of peters out.

Touring is a weird thing. It's like getting married to four different people.