When you're starting out in this business, it's very easy to want to say yes to everything that's offered to you.

As an audience member, everyone I talk to is like, 'I'm so excited to see 'Super 8.' I'm so excited to see it.' And part of that is because of his drive to make sure that it stays hidden until the last minute.

If you listen to a score from beginning to end, you should envision the entire film in your head.

I love percussive instrumentation.

I think I learned everything about comedy and timing and drama from watching 'The Muppet Show,' which was one of the best shows ever produced.

If you have a bad story on your hands, you have a bad story on your hands, and no amount of score re-working is gonna save that.

I was fortunate enough in my public school that they had a full music program, and no one escaped it. It was treated as a subject that was as important as everything else, and I believe it is.

My entire life was making movies.

That's one of the neat things about 'Call of Duty.' There are areas in the game where we were able to score the gameplay.

Of everything I've done in my career, or whatever you want to call it, 'Lost' is the purest version of me musically.

I don't like working all hours of the night and having an unreliable working pattern.

I think the Wachowskis are two of my favorite people on the planet; they're the best.

I loved writing 'Lost.' It was like a never-ending opera, in a way.

Sometimes people do things because they are sad or because they are upset or were hurt by other people.

I always feel like my writing is consistently influenced by everything I watched and listened to growing up, so it's just this crazy collage of everything, you know.

I've always looked at guys who I've admired, like John Williams and Lalo Schifrin and Max Steiner, and looked at the choices they made and always try to take a cue from that.

I always thought of 'Lost' as a psychotic opera. Because there were so many characters, it was important for me to track them with themes.

My dad had these great Benny Goodman albums that I was obsessed with, and Louis Prima's another guy I loved, and Peter Niro the jazz pianist. I loved international music: Irish music, Mexican music. I love the different colours that they all have.

I work on the types of movies that I would have loved watching as a kid.

Without my experiences on the likes of 'Lost' and 'Alias,' I don't know if I would have survived 'Rogue One.'

I try to keep a regular work schedule.

In 'Ratatouille,' there are two different themes that express the two sides of Remy's personality: the creative side: the chef, and the 'thief' side: his nature as a mouse.

When I was growing up, every show had live music. Now, almost none have live music. Probably 97 percent of the shows on television are probably synthesized, or mostly synthesized, and that's a shame.

I feel like I'll be writing World War 2 music the rest of my life.