My parents are both war veterans; they met in Vietnam. They were involved in a war that they absolutely disagreed with.

Long before punk entered my life, I loved scary films and stories.

To worship the devil, you have to believe in it first.

Making your band your career just seems like a pipe dream when it's not happening, and when it does, it seems so surreal.

I went through some pretty rough patches in my life, and I've come out of them a stronger, more inspired, and energetic person.

When George W. Bush was up for re-election, we took part in Rock Against Bush.

I miss the videos that are short films, back when MTV played videos all day.

Touring with Blink helped introduce people to Alkaline Trio who otherwise wouldn't have ever heard of us.

Rock n' roll is the Devil's music.

We certainly are proud of our punk-rock heritage, but when people who like other kinds of music are into your band, it's flattering.

As far as, like, the moon landing... did we go there? I believe so. Is it everything that we're told? I don't think so.

With every inch of my energy, I wanted Fyre not to happen. I put all the electricity and energy in my body against that thing happening.

Meditation has really done wonders for me personally and artistically.

I've been to the Bahamas before, and it's so crass. You land in Nassau, and the whole island is replete with beauty and culture, but there's a lot of poverty. It is a largely black population; then they build these places like Atlantis and The Cove that are walled off.

I grew up on Michael Jackson, Pat Benetar, and Van Halen - all the things coming out of the television.

At an early age I told myself I would never quit skating; I would never quit riding BMX and being a motorcycle junkie. I just can't stop doing those things.

I think for us - and for a lot of people in the Church of Satan - we definitely like ruffling people's feathers and poking fun at organized religion a little bit.

We have this song called 'Radio,' and I wrote that song when we needed one more song for a record. So I went back into the other room and wrote it in 20 minutes.

I'm the die-hard that still goes out to buy records.

We have the best fans in the world. A lot of artists say that, but in this case, it's actually fact.

Everyone who signed us to Epic, all of the people we trusted there, were let go.

The Ramones all hate each other, and they did it for decades. I wouldn't be able to do that. That would be like working at the bank or something.

I was always a punk rock skate kid from a very young age.

I was a bicycle messenger when Alkaline Trio was formed as a way to make ends meet before the band became a career, and I've just always been a cyclist - I BMX'd, and then I got really into - through messengering - I got really into road bikes and fixed gears, which I still have.